Snippets from my life. A sampling of my adventures with family, faith, crafting and Dravet Syndrome.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Monday, July 24, 2017
A Cello and Quilts
Late in May Josh had a cello recital. This one was super fun because I was able to accompany him.
We played The Piano Guys Kung Fu Piano: Cello Ascends.
I love playing with him! I hope this is just the first of many duets to come!
He did a fantastic job by the way :)
A few days later I was able to go with Andy's secretary to the Utah shop hop!
I had never really done one before and was only able to do one day this time but we were still able to hit 6 shops over the course of the day.
It was super fun! Dawn is a blast to hang out with :)
Just a few of my favorite things I saw in the shops...
This is my loot I brought home...
There was too much fabric that just called to me :)
Maybe she and I should make a tradition out of this...
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Birthday Boys
We arrived home from our Hawaii stint the night before Andy's birthday.
Nancy had helped the kids decorate our house before they left to take the kids to their house where we joined them after our trip. It was really decked out!
It was a low key kind of a day and I wish I had more pictures but we did celebrate and Andy even made sure the kids had treats even though he couldn't eat any.
This was my favorite gift I gave him...'With a body like this who needs hair?'
Ben's big day was two days later...
The last day of school.
This is his favorite part of birthdays...blowing out the candles.
Since he doesn't do sugar, he couldn't eat his treats either but honestly, he doesn't even seem aware anymore.
He seemed less aware that it was his birthday (he calls it 'me day') than he has in past years.
Usually he gets into the unwrapping of gifts but we had to do some serious helping along with every single one.
He wasn't interested in getting his picture taken either so out came the tickle monster and we got a blurry smile.
I can't believe Ben is 8!
What a blessing he has been in our home.
We all love him to pieces!
Catching up with Matt
Matt's been a busy bee with soccer lately.
They participated in the Cache Cup last week and earned second place.
This game was while we were in Hawaii...he had a lot of support from extended family.
Matt likes to be creative. I should let him get out the paints more often...
I can always count on Matt to want to come with me to visit Grandma O. in the rest home.
He's a good little companion!
While driving to Oregon (which I will post about later) we listened to the first Michael Vey book.
When we got back from our vacation he found the second book in Josh's library and has been voraciously reading the series since.
He's always been a good reader but never really chose to read during his spare time until now...I love it!