
Wednesday, October 25, 2023

August Home Progress

So.  Much.  Painting!!!
I  am not a fan of painting and this project confirmed that.
We decided to do it ourselves to save money...I wish we hadn't :(
I wish I would have gotten a picture of everyone that helped.
In addition to those pictured here we had T, Heather Humphreys and her daughter Sammy, Bri Wright and Amy Christiensen and her dad that came and painted.

Abby helped at times when she wasn't working...

Andy did a ton!

We interrupt this painting to bring you the removal of the wall...
This wall had been up for many months.  While painting one day we decided it was time for it to come down.  It was quite an exciting moment!

My good friend, Chanelle, whose husband did the cabinets came and helped on this epic day.  I was also happy to catch Matt in action.

Mom came and painted in the addition on the same day.

So many long days and nights.
I was so grateful to Mom and Dad who helped with Ben so we could get this taken care of.
It was a chore for sure, and again, one I wish we would have just payed the professionals to take care of for us!

Abby catching a snack after coming home from work...

Also, progress was made in ripping out Andy's closet in the bedroom and tearing down the pantry wall to open up the laundry room!
Our contractor was swamped at the time so we had a good friend, Jim Johnson come and help with the pantry wall and getting the kitchen and laundry room windows in.
So grateful to him!

My poor family had nowhere to sit these days so they ended up on the floor quite a bit :(

Speaking of sitting...
we did get some furniture shopping in at times.
I loved these green couches but they were beaucoup bucks!

August Odds and Ends

Living at the dome has given us lots of "Bapa" and "O" time :)

Before school started back up, Andy took Abby and Matt to the American Fossil Quarry in Wyoming for fish fossils.
Jo and James joined them.
Andy only got a few pics but they all really enjoyed themselves and found some fun things!

In my many travelings between homes I have wracked up quite the miles.
This day, I was noticing the similarities between my odometer and my thermometer :)

 This was either Abby's last official Sunday with us before she moved out or the weekend after she moved out when she came back for our sibling neighbors' mission report/farewell.
I noticed her talking to friends who were all wearing green...except for Psadi, but I let her be in the picture anyway :)

And with Abby taking the Corolla down south since we couldn't find another car for her to buy before she left, we rounded up this cute little Yaris from a neighbor who's son had just left on a mission and didn't need it anymore.

Matt wasn't thrilled at first, he had really been looking forwarding to having the Corolla to himself, but it didn't take long for him to become quite endeared to "The Blueberry" :)