
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Various Valentine Visuals

Aren't these the cutest little plates?  I found them at Hobby Lobby.  I absolutely "love" them!
I delivered some cookies on them.  Of course the cookies were inspired by Pinterest.

My cute cousin, Sarah, came by last night and brought valentines for the kids. 
Doctor Cook was making a house call for Josh's foot at the time and so there's a couple extra kids sprinkled in there.
 Thanks Sarah...(and Becca...we missed seeing you as well but we know you were there in spirit :o)
 You made their day!

One of my good friends Katrina also came last night and brought over these adorable hot pads for me.
They are just too darling.
Thanks Trina!  You made my day!

As a child, one of the best parts of Valentine's Day was constructing the box/bag/what-have-you into which you would stuff all the goodies your classmates handed out.
As a mom, I have been deprived of that opportunity until this year.  Finally, one of the teachers was not making their box/bag/what-have-you in class.  Josh's "thing" was up to us.  Now, I say it's been denied me, but secretly, it's kind of nice not to have the extra stress of figuring out just the right design/style for you child.  Well, Pinterest to the rescue!
Aren't these so cute?  We modified a bit and came up with our own version.  I say "we" but it was mostly me showing Josh the idea and him approving it and then me doing the work because, hey, he was layed up on the couch and was super busy writing out the names on the Valentines and, as most things I do around here, it was a last minute project.  It was extremely easy and quick though so it worked out just fine.

(I need to figure out how to get rid of all my shadows in my pictures!)

Abby toted this along with all of Josh's valentines to school today.  Sadly though, we had a miscommunication and it didn't come back with all of his valentines in it after school.
A sweet neighbor of ours that is also in his class brought by a delightful get well card that she and another girl had put together for Josh during Art.  That was consoling and eased the disappointment of the lack of valentines.  Thanks Maleia!  You made his day!

Lastly, another very kind friend dropped by this morning and brought these:

I've spied these on Pinterest Tennille!  Is that where you got the idea?  You're probably just naturally clever and don't need Pinterest to come up with cute ideas like I do.
Well, let's just say that I ate more than my fair share of these.  They were absolutely delish!
Thanks Tennille!  You made my day!

And that my friends is a wrap up of my Various Valentine Visuals.
Hoping everyone had a lovely V-Day!


  1. Wow, it was an eventful day at your house. I wanted to come by, but my day was packed beyond my control. Glad you had so many Valentines at your house. Josh's box is very clever!
    As to the photo shadows, try to turn off lights shining from behind you, and/or set your flash to go off regardless of how much light is on the subject. : )
    Lovely post!

  2. I hope something made Andy's day! :)

  3. I did totally copy them from pinterest! BUT...I did use my own recipe.
