
Monday, March 5, 2012

Raingutter Regatta

Last week Josh participated in his first Rain Gutter Regatta or Rainbow Regatta as Andy kept accidentally calling it.  The boys worked hard on their medical looking boat...complete with a lego guy with a cast on his foot :o)

There was a definite excitement in the gym as the boys showed off their boats and got ready to race Thursday night. 
Andy had decided the best way to have Josh race was...horizontally.

Hopefully no one thought he had an unfair advantage.
The first three runs were too close to call.  

Fun was had by all, and in the end, a ribbon and a candy bar for participating.

While the boys were racing their boats a friend pointed out that Ben's old helmet (that he's been wearing until we get the new one tweaked just right) was centimeters away from being ripped  beyond wearing.
I had been expecting a big seizure for the last two days.  He was due for one and his myoclonics had been quite hard and frequent.  Ben was running around the gym after everything was over and we were cleaning up.  He and another boy collided and sent him into his seizure.  It was a brief one...only about 30 seconds...but after it was over, we noticed the last bit of his helmet had been ripped in the process.  Now we're wearing the new one full time.  Hopefully we'll get the new face mask soon.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Josh! Love that grin!!
    I always enjoyed the regattas more than the derbys--seemed less intense, or something.
