
Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Weekend


These arrived in the middle of the day.  I couldn't imagine who they were from until I saw the handwriting on the outside of the envelope.  I recognized it as the handwriting of a former employer of mine.  I worked for several years with her daughter that has severe autism.  We were and still are very close.  Now that I have a child with special needs that bond has grown even stronger.  She sent these as a thank you and a "happy mother's day".
Thank you Pam!

That night I was getting ready for my 23 miler the next morning.  I tried to get to bed early but was running around taking care of last minute things (it amazes me that such a simple 'sport' takes so much preparation and 'equipment').  In my focused mindset I was aware that Andy was encouraging Josh to pull a tooth.  It finally came out and I made sure Andy understood that he would have to make sure that the tooth fairy came ;)  The next morning Andy showed me the tooth in the baggie.  I asked him if the tooth fairy had made it and he said that 'she' couldn't find the tooth that night.  When asked about it, Josh admitted that 'his teeth are just so special to him and he didn't want to give it up.  He said a prayer asking Heavenly Father to let him keep his tooth.  Andy found it clutched in Josh's hands as he watched cartoons the next morning.  Bless his heart.


So Trina and I left at 3:30 a.m. to drive to our starting spot for our 23 mile run.  Matt had a soccer game at 9:00 that I wanted to be to and I knew it would take me approx. 5 hours to finish so that's why we started so early.  We were excited and I was just happy to have the company of a good friend at that dark, and cold crazy hour of the morning.  The first couple of miles were pretty much all up hill.  (who planned that route?)  It was not fun but we got through it.  About the time that the route started to level out I realized my left knee was really hurting (IT band area).  I did what I could but by mile 15 when our other friend met up with us I was shuffling.  I was advised that it might be best to not push it any further and make things worse.  Although extremely disappointed, I agreed that it might be best to quit.  I went home a bit dejected but hopeful that it would heal up, maybe even by next Saturday (so I could try that run again...without the uphill climb at the beginning) and that all would be well. 
I'll attempt a short run in a couple of days and see how it goes.

Andy presented me with this lovely bouquet...

He knew I'd like it because of the hydrangea.

Andy's paternal grandparents live in Ogden.  We do not visit them as often as we would like so we thought that Mother's Day would be a good reason to go down and see them. 
 They had just had an addition put onto their home and so the kids enjoyed running around in the big empty room and sitting on this chair...

It was Lester's (Andy's grandpa) chair when he was a little boy. 
It is about 90 years old.

 We are so glad we were able to spend some time with them.  Andy's aunt and uncle, Cheryl and Lance, and his parents were also there visiting so we had a big party :)  It was such a pleasant visit and such a joy to see them again.  Andy's grandma has recently been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.  She is such a sweet and thoughtful woman.  We love them both.

Happy Mother's day to you Norma!


My favorite part of Mother's Day is always breakfast in bed accompanied by the homemade cards.
Saturday night I was so worn out from the early morning and the run and I just plain wasn't feeling well physically or emotionally on top of it all so I slipped off to bed earlier than Andy.  That is a rare occasion.  
My primary "love language" is acts of service.  Andy is well aware of this and often does things around the house for me.  That night he stayed up late and did all the dishes and the three or four loads of laundry waiting to be tackled in the laundry room.  Love him!  He also made his bed in Ben's room so when he woke up in the middle of the night I wouldn't have to go in and sleep on his floor.  I had 10 hours of sleep!  I can't remember the last time that happened.  Long lead in to my breakfast in bed...but, needles to say, I was comfortable, relaxed and content, reading pleasantly in bed when the troops came in singing and bearing breakfast and cards.

This was my favorite page of Abby's little book...

You're right Abby, I do like to "run miles" but I'm not so sure about the casserole thing :)

Josh wrote a rather lengthy card...he had hidden it on Saturday and it took him a while to remember where he had put it.  He found it and slipped it under the bathroom door while I was showering later on.

You can read sideways right?

Matt made sure I had tape to hang his card up above my bed...

Andy had written a couple of notes himself and taped them to bedroom doors...

After church we went and spent the evening at my parents' home.
I totally left Mom's gift at home...sorry Mom...I love you!

I read on a blog recently that instead of expecting everyone to make Mother's day a special day for you, that it would be nice to focus on being a good mother and telling your kids how much you love them.
I liked this approach.
While Matt was sitting on my lap during church I whispered in his ear that I loved being his mom and I loved him.  He grinned and then told me to keep tracing the lines on the palm of his hand.
When I told Abby the same thing she just smiled shyly.
When I told Josh he smiled and told me he loved me too.
When I told Ben (I realized I hadn't done it after I had already tucked him in to bed so I went into his room and slid down the crib side, told him and hugged and kissed him) he looked a bit confused and motioned for me to put the side of the crib back up and waved goodnight.

I truly do love being a mom and especially to my precious kids!
I wouldn't change any of it!

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