
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Small Moments

I just have a few things to smash together into one know, those small moments that make up life :)

1- This is an amazing moth the kids found on our house

2-  I made pesto for the first time a bit ago.  I've wanted to make it for a long time now but every time I look for basil in the grocery store it comes in packages of tiny amounts and you need quite a bit for the recipes that I have seen.  Well, one day I went to the store and was determined to get enough basil even if I had to buy 10 expensive, little packages!  I couldn't find it at all at first...where I've usually seen it...but in another area of the produce section I happened upon little, live basil plants.  They were still a bit pricey but I bought three thinking that would be enough.
I made the recipe which was super easy and we had it on gnocchi that night.  Andy tried it before I did and he said that it was a bit strong.  I tried it and loved it!  Towards the end of his meal, Andy remarked that it was kind of growing on him :)
Well, we had some left over so I was excited to experiment for the next few days.  One day I put it on leftover rice we had in the fridge (I'm such a carb girl).  That was pretty tasty.  The next day I tried it on a pesto/parmesan crusted grilled cheese sandwich (I added tomatoes) that I found on Pinterest.  It was lovely!  I am hoping to keep these basil plants alive in my little kitchen window sill so I can make this a habit :)
p.s. I know I took pictures of my sandwich (and I was actually pretty happy with them) but they have gone missing...probably from one of the times that one of the kids picked the camera up.

3-  Abby and I had a delightful time last weekend attending the city's "Movie in the Park".  She is a fun little partner.  Andy was very gracious in giving us a girls' night out.  They showed "Mirror, Mirror" which we had never seen.  It was pretty cute.  The end credit song was so catchy (though repetitive) that I went home and added it to my running playlist. 
I need to do more things like that with my kids.  It was precious time.


4-  Monday, I took Josh in to have his cast put on.  He came well prepared with his DS to distract him.  (The first time we did this with the other foot, we hadn't made sure that he had pain meds right before and he had nothing to keep his mind from what was going on and it was a disaster)  So, even though he'd been off of pain meds for several days, I loaded him up with the serious stuff this time and he engrossed himself in the electronics while they removed the dressing.

It was a good thing.
I have pictures and was expecting to be able to share them this time but they are more gruesome than the first pictures we took that I didn't dare post.
Either he had a reaction to some of the materials used or somehow moisture got in, but whatever the cause, he had major blisters.  One that was about 2-3 inches in diameter and a few other medium size ones.  Dr. C. had to drain them with a syringe.  He's also developing the same rash he had on the other foot which is basically tons of tiny blisters.  Consequently, no cast.  Josh was somewhat disappointed but he was okay with it.  The doctor said to help it clear up the dressing needed to be changed every other day for the next week.  I reminded him that we'd be out of town (with Ben at Primary Children's) for the next several days.  He called Home Health Care and arranged for them to come to Andy's parents' home where the kids would be staying.  (Actually, they originally told him that they couldn't go to the home but if we brought him to the hospital where we would be staying they could do it there.  Well, it wouldn't be to convenient to bus him back and forth from his grandparents' home to the hospital but we were prepared to do it.  A few hours before we left town they called and said they were planning on coming to our house that day.  Andy explained to them that we wouldn't be there and that it was already supposed to be arranged for it to happen at the hospital in Salt Lake.  She said she didn't think that could happen since they didn't have a home base there but that they could probably come to Andy's parents' home.  She made a phone call and got back to us saying they would go to the home...well, that's a lot easier :)

5-  Abby had another Hula performance for the city's celebration of Pioneer Day.  Andy thought it was pretty funny that they asked Hula dancers to perform for a Utah Holiday :)  Anyway, she always loves a chance to perform...
Here are way too many pictures...I promise I only put in the absolute best!

Love this one!

Those leis are pretty itchy!

The whole gang

They did awesome :)
Thanks for reading about some of the small moments that have been in my life lately.

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