
Monday, September 17, 2012

Running For Ben 2012

So many people were so helpful and we were able to pull off another year of "Running for Ben".

My awesome cousin Wade and his company, Advent Creative, donated time and talents to create new t-shirts, an amazing new flier and a great banner.

 So much thanks to them!

The Half Marathon

Here's "Bapa"...the man in charge of set up and take down.  Thanks so much Dad for being so willing to dedicate so much time to this and also for stepping outside of your comfort was very much noticed and appreciated!  (We all had to step out of our comfort zones to approach people about donating but Dad gets the prize for the biggest step :)

 Doniene, a wonderful blogging friend of Mom's donated this lovely, fall quilt!
So much thanks to you Doniene!

Here is my friend Jami and her sister Jen and their girls after the 1/2 marathon. 
Great job ladies!

My good friend Trina and her daughter Maggie came to the rescue and helped call and text the winners the morning of the race.  (Mom, Dad and I aren't the swiftest texters around). 
Thanks so much you two!

Cute Abs!

The Full Marathon

 The prize boxes all lined up and ready to go!

 My number one helpers!
I can never repay you Mom and Dad!
Mom did so much!
  She thought of last minute details down to the breath mints and cold water in the cooler.
Bless you Mom for sacrificing so much.

Two quilts were donated for this race.  Randy, one of Mom's quilt blogging friends sent the sweet 30's quilt on the right (scroll back up to the picture of Mom and Dad to see it)  and my wonderful neighbor LaReen did the adorable baby boy quilt on the left.
So kind and generous...thank you so much ladies!
Forgive the slew of pictures ahead...
Since I had taken the van the morning of the marathon and not thought to leave Ben's car seat behind the kids almost didn't make it to the park.  "Bapa offered to go pick them up though and I'm so glad they were able to come.

 Uncle Jo was very kind and came to be our texter for this race.  It would have taken me hours to do what he did in 15 minutes :)  Thanks so much Jo!

 Another behind the scenes helper was my sweet mother in law.  She came for both races and stayed at home with the kids while we were at the booth for hours at a time.
Thank you Nancy!

 Ben on uncle Jo's bike.

 Being silly with stickers :)

 Andy and Josh came later as they were picking up a rented cello for Josh to begin orchestra!
(More on that soon.)

 Going for a walk with "Bapa".

As far as success goes, we only made about half of what we did last year with these two events.  (Every little bit helps though.)  There were some things going for us in 2011 of which we didn't have the benefit this year.  Also, I think we've just tapped this resource dry.  It's time to start thinking of other ways to raise funds for research.
I already have lots of thoughts swimming around in my head... I just don't know how many of them are realistic :)
Love these people!

I just feel like I can not say thank you enough to all those that supported and served us during these fundraisers.
Ben is very grateful too :)

1 comment:

  1. You pulled it off again, Aimee! I stand in awe each time.
    So many cute photos of the kids. Glad you caught that family photo at the end!
