
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Birthday Party!

Abby's birthday is super close to Halloween so this year she wanted her friend birthday party theme (I only do one of these every 2 or 3 years for each child) to be Halloween.
I got on Pinterest and found lots of ideas and then went to Photoshop and created an invitation. (I love vintage stuff and hoped Abby would be okay with it :)

This is my mess on the dining table before it got really bad.  It's got a smattering of party stuff, costume materials and who know what else...does anyone else's dining table become their catch all?

 We made a fun spider web out of glitter glue for part of our decorations.  I was so excited with how this turned out.

 We made some super fun candy corn sugar cookies that I made for the first time a couple of years ago.  My mother in law showed me how to shape them in a form made out of a bent cereal box and tin foil...then layer your colored dough and refrigerate. 

 When hard, go ahead and slice them up and bake them.

 You can tell with these I didn't quite get the dough smooshed all the way to the sides of the form so the sides look kind of scalloped.  It looks like I didn't quite get the yellow food coloring worked all the way in either :)

 I love them though!  They're so festive!

 Ben saw me taking pictures in the kitchen and had me take one of him.

 I also dipped pretzels in orange melting candy and put a green m&m on top for a pumpkin stem.
I was so excited to find a bag of just green m&m's at the grocery store.  They were mint but I was just excited I didn't have to buy a big bag of all the colors and hunt through and hope it had enough greens.  I was also glad there wouldn't be a bunch of red, yellow, brown, blue and orange ones left over to tempt me :)

 I bagged my homemade treats up and added some other little Halloween trinkets for the bags to send home with the girls.

I found this super cute image in my digital scrapbooking stuff, added a name and printed it on white paper bags.  (Thanks Mom for your help and your printer).

 I added a "full moon" and a "bat" for the closure and that was that.

 Abby and I wanted to do a craft with her friends and this is what we came up with (with a little help from Pinterest of course).

 I had a big piece of wood cut into 23 blocks at Lowe's and then came home and sanded them with my grandpa's electric sander.  That thing was powerful!  It was truly a miracle that I didn't sand off some digits!
It sure was a whole lot faster than just a piece of sandpaper though :)

 I made some messy (I meant for them to look like that ;)  looking spider webs out of white chocolate to top the cupcakes.  I'm pretty happy with how these turned out too.

I got some fun polka dot balloons from the grocery store and spent more time than I had planned on making some candy corn pom poms.

Andy and my dad helped with some last minute spider decorations and with that we were ready to go!

The girls (16 of them) came and we started with the craft.
I definitely learned a lesson with this one.  They needed a lot more help than I had expected and it ended up taking an hour instead of the 30 minutes I had planned.  Part of it was my fault though...I didn't have everything cut out and ready for them because I ran out of time but I just thought "they can do it...they're 8".
Not so...I over estimated their abilities....which is fine.  They were so cute and tried really hard and made some really cute creations...

I love the one with all the yellow buttons :)

It was so chaotic that I didn't even get pictures of the girls making them...just after they were done.
Since the craft ended when we were supposed to start eating cake and ice cream we really had to rush the games.  We played a couple of short ones that I had planned and then ran upstairs to see if the food was ready to go.  (My mom and dad came.  She helped me run the party and Dad played with Ben the whole time.  What a blessing!  Thank you both!)
When I came back down they had arranged a game of  "Down by the Banks".

They got pretty into it.  Mental note: sometimes, the simplest, most classic games are the funnest!

The pumpkin flavored ice cream and cupcakes were a hit...

So, although we were rushed for time and things didn't go quite like I had planned, I think Abby was happy and that's what counts!


  1. That was a full house of giggly girls, Aimee. You handled it well and they loved it!

  2. Holy Smokes! That looks like it was an awesome party! Everything you made for it turned out so cute! It's great that you can turn ideas from Pinterest into real things!

  3. Oh my... that is a lot of girls!!! And what cute decorations. You did good Aimee!
