
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Randomness (in no particular order)

I have a whole bunch of stuff to mention briefly...

First of all, we are 1/12 of the way through the year.
I like to take the opportunity at the beginning of each new month to evaluate how I'm doing with my goals...kind of recommit.
I think I need to do a whole lot more work in the eating and exercising department :)

We've made progress with Ben's monitor.  I've been in touch with the company.  At first, the woman I spoke with was kind of defensive and told me that their system never false alarms and that it's the best in the world and that she'd never heard about any problems like this from any other customers.
She was accommodating though and offered to send us a new system if that was what we wanted.  She also offered some suggestions as to what we could change with the one we had and see if they made any difference.  She said they would do whatever we wanted...she just didn't want us to give up on the monitor yet.  I told her we'd make the changes and get back to her.
She had asked us to change the response time to 13 seconds, secure the cord to the bed so there was no chance of it moving, and to move the monitor off the floor.
Within the next couple of days after making the changes we had more false alarms and another seizure without an alarm.  Arrrrrrgh!
I called the company again and the woman said she believed we had a faulty sensor and asked us to send it back (luckily I had kept the box, otherwise it would have been a very awkward thing to ship) and they would send a new one out immediately.
Sounded good to me.
My heart kind of sank a little when I removed the sensor from Ben's bed.
A couple of the thin, plastic "prongs" on the sensor were bent...a little bit wrinkled if you will.
Ben must have wiggled around a bunch and slept on it funny.
Was this what was causing the problems?
Another call to Texas...
I told my friend what I had found and she assured me that whatever the problem they were happy to replace it and not to worry about it at all.
Very good...hopefully we'll receive the new one soon and it will work :)

I love it when I open the refrigerator and see this...

...not the mess, but a fully stocked keto shelf.  21 meals here.  Most of them require additional ingredients that will be measured out at the time of consumption but the main part is there and ready to go.  It makes meal time much more slick.

Here is Ben posing (with his eyes closed as usual), happy as a lark eating his favorite snack, popcorn, with Dad.

 Parent day in orchestra with Josh.  I'm so glad he's still enjoying the cello!

 On a recent trip visiting Andy's parents, his mom gave us one of his old vests.
When we got home I just stuck it in Ben's dresser and forgot about it.
The other day Ben was pretty adamant that he be able to choose his own clothes.
He REALLY wanted to wear the vest :)
I started snapping some pictures...

 I can't believe I caught him cross-eyed :)

This is something he does when he knows he's got an audience...he rolls his eyes back (eventually closing them), sticks out his tongue and lets his head go limp.  Silly guy!

He always wants to see the pictures after he poses.
It was kind of hilarious because immediately after he looked at these he started tugging on the vest and wanted me to take it off.  Maybe he thought it made him look fat :)

Lots and lots of snow the last little while.  The kids enjoy going out and helping Andy shovel.

It might seem kind of silly to post this but it was a bright spot in my day this week...
I really enjoy a state wide show called Studio 5.  They have all kinds of stuff on it; crafts, recipes, fashion, fitness plus much more.  If I'm home at 11:00 a.m. on weekdays I usually am watching it.
Tuesday I had it on and left the room for a second.  When I came back I saw a familiar face.
My cousin's wife was talking about decorating your home beautifully and child friendly.
Fun to see her there.  She's a sweetheart.

My neighbor is organizing/decorating her sewing room.  I fell in love with these colorful boxes that she found at Home Depot or Lowe's (can't remember which).  There are 8 or 9 colors and she has organized all her fabric scraps into a color coordinating box.  Genius!
I would love to do the same but there's just not room in my craft corner.
Maybe down the road when my fabric stash has taken over the whole downstairs family room I will remember to do this.  Ha!

Josh had a report (paper and presentation) due today.  He's had the assignment for a couple of months but somewhere along the line I missed a memo or two :)
Last week I ended up emailing his teacher and finding out all the details.  Details such as it was due in less than two weeks, needing a certain amount of sources, a paper and a bibliography and a visual aid for his presentation.  Josh really wanted to do a PowerPoint.  Andy helped him out with that part and I helped him with his paper.  Boy did I learn all about how a car engine works :)
I love how Josh's mind works.  He comes up with the cutest way of saying things.  We had a few late nights earlier this week but we got everything taken care of.  He was a trooper and I was so proud of him when he presented today.  He was a bit shy and uncomfortable right at first but he warmed up and seemed to enjoy himself.  The kids responded well to him and at the end he was grinning from ear to ear.
Way to go Josh!
(Though I must say, we're all a bit relieved it's over :)

I went to brunch with my mom and a friend today.  I had to get a picture of Mom's Mega Pancake!  It was a good thing the waitress warned Mom about the size or else she would have ended up with two of these!
Not only was it impressive size wise but it had a fantastic flavor too!

Ben is so attached to his Bapas.  Sunday evening, about 20-30 minutes before he was due, we told Ben that Bapa was coming.  He ran to the window and stood there watching and waiting until he arrived.
So darling!

This is another one of those posts where if you're not a very close relative, you probably didn't make it through.  I don't blame you...just a lot of randomness that is mostly just meaningful to me.
It's good for me to write about it though and record those little moments in life.


  1. Love cross-eyed Ben!
    I really like those colored organizers!
    So glad Josh's presentation went well.
    Oh, my. That pancake is even larger than I remembered!
    So cute to see Ben waiting for Bapa. : )

  2. Is Bapa your dad? (I'm guessing having seen them together before). I missed Jen on KSL 5, I need help making my house run more smoothly (and beautifully).
