
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hooray for Josh!

Josh has had a couple of wonderful physical accomplishments lately.
Before his surgeries on his feet he had a hard time running.  It was a bit painful and awkward for him.
Now, as he's been playing soccer this season, he's been kind of relearning how to run.
He's come a long way :)
In light of all of this, it was quite exciting when he scored a goal during his game last week!
Everyone cheered so loudly for him.  They all recognize the physical challenges he's overcome.
The problem was, neither Andy nor I saw it happen :(
Andy was chasing Ben at the opposite end of the field and my head was turned talking to another mom.
It was quite exciting nonetheless!

 He was pretty proud and excitedly exclaimed that it was the first goal of his whole life!
Way to go Josh!

That same week he ran the Wellsville Mile.
All the elementary schools on the south end of the valley send their fourth and fifth graders to the Wellsville Mile.  It's a big, all day deal.
This has been a tradition for years and years.  It was going on way back when I was in elementary school.  I never ran it though since I had asthma and therefor, a medical excuse :)

The kids have been running at school for a couple of months to train.  That along with the soccer (we think) has been causing some foot pain for Josh.  For a couple of weeks now he'll have sudden moments of pain in his right foot and just be incapacitated for a while.  He's even requested his crutches for school a couple of times.  After a couple of hours though there's no pain at all.  
The morning of the mile he had a painful moment as he was getting ready for school.  He couldn't walk and rested on the couch reading for a while.  We had kind of decided that he just wouldn't go since running was the only thing they would be doing that day.  I had been planning on going and watching him run.  I was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to participate.
About five minutes before the bus came he decided he would stand up and try to walk again.  Miraculously he had no pain.  Off he went.

I still wasn't able to go watch however because Ben ended up having two seizures that morning (one of them quite big) and stayed home from school.  Call me a wimp but it would not have been fun trying to chase him all around in the crowds and he would not have been happy in his stroller.
I was thrilled that my friend was able to snag some pictures for me.  Thanks Trina!

Apparently his friends were "corrupting" him with "gambling" while they waited their turn.  Ha!
When he got home I asked him how it had gone.  He was very happy to report that he ran the whole way without stopping.  Every time they had trained, he had to take walking breaks so this was a large feat for him (no pun intended).
I think he felt pretty good about he should :)


  1. I am so proud of that guy! : )

  2. Way to go Josh!! It has been fun to see your kids and all their activities!

