
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The 6th Letter of the Alphabet

I know I've been MIA but before I post the reason I need to catch up on lots of little things...things that begin with "F"...

 (Summer and Cello)

 Josh's cello teacher told us about an opportunity at the university a couple of weeks ago.  They had a cello festival where cellists of differing ages and abilities gathered to learned new pieces and receive instruction for six hours.  At the end they had a little performance.

I was so proud of Josh.  He was so willing to go even though he didn't know if he would know anyone there besides his teacher.  It was kind of a big thing for him to be on his own like that for so long.
He said it was so much fun and that he would love to do it again next year.

Way to go Josh!

I have a couple of super cute cousins that are very musically talented.  The oldest is working on her second CD.  She writes and performs (sings/plays guitar) her beautiful, original music and often her equally talented sister will join her in duets.  I love hearing their voices harmonize!
Recently they performed at the Summer Fest...a local art fair.
I took the kids to go listen to them.

The three oldest sat in the front and were just fine the whole time.
Ben on the other hand was a bit more difficult.  He sat for about 2 minutes before he got restless so I strolled him around and looked at booths (my brother was there and kept an eye on the others).
Ben desperately wanted to get out of his stroller so after we had seen all of the booths I finally released him in a shady, grassy area behind the tent where the girls were performing.
He was thrilled to be free!

There were a couple of women that I knew sitting in the back of the tent.  Ben went right up next to them and sat down.  He just felt right at they were his old friends.
He would sit for a minute and then get up and run around again.  Then he'd run up and sit down next to them again.  It was pretty cute!


About a year ago I posted  about a little flag I pieced together.  It sat on top of my sewing basket for 11 months waiting to be quilted.  I finally took it to Mom's a few weeks ago and finished it up.

It was my first attempt at FMQ a real project.
(I stitched the straight lines on her traditional machine and then used her mid-arm for the blue section.)

If you look closely you can see my attempt at stars :) 
I'm excited to finally have it finished!


Our frog saga continues...
You may recall that Matt's second frog passed away on my birthday.  The company promptly sent us a new one.  That one expired on Andy's birthday believe it or not.
Well, we're on number four.

This time instead of sending us a tadpole with only a tail, they sent us one that already had its legs...they must have thought a more established one might do better under our care :)
Last week it lost it's tail almost literally over night.  It was fascinating.
So far so good.  I told Matt that if we lose this one we won't be getting another one...mainly because I don't think Matt is remembering to feed it daily and therefore, it would be our fault (the company has been replacing these at no cost to us since they have a lifetime guarantee).
Here's to a long frog life for this fella!


I helped Abby plant a fairy garden a couple of weeks ago.  Last year at Swiss Days I bought some sweet little ceramic mushrooms and stepping stones that I have saved for this very purpose.

Not until I was doing this post did I see the baby grasshopper on the large leaf on the left.  I had also forgotten that we had planted seeds along with the little pansies...I didn't see those coming up by the purple mushroom until just now either :) 
 She was pretty excited to put it together.
Right now we're working on building a little clay, fairy house.

We've placed the pot in a well shaded area that gets watered it is flourishing :)
Maybe at the end of the season I'll post another picture with the finished house.


Matt lost his first tooth!
I think he was pretty excited that the tooth fairy was coming for him this time :)



  1. I love seeing the "fotos" of all the "F" things going on--Josh at the Fest, Ben at the other Fest, Abby's Fairy garden, Matt's First tooth out. Let's just hope the frog makes it past the next family birthday!
    Do you need me to feed it when you are on the road? : )

  2. Lots of fun things! Your kids are great. :)

  3. Yeah Josh!!! Ben needs a hug - here it comes!! And Matt - what a great "tooth" story!!


  4. Love your flag quilt! You did a great job!! And I've read all your posts, but am just commenting on this one! Love all of the updates!! And your banners turned out adorable!!
