
Friday, August 2, 2013

Wouldn't you know it?...

...he had 9 again today.


  1. It was rather ironic after your last post, wasn't it?

  2. Oh no! Poor kid! Are you doing alright?

  3. Aimee!! I'm finally getting caught up on reading my blogs and I'm so so sorry about the rough time that Ben is having!! Here I post about Luella's terrific summer and you guys are having the worst time. It's just sad that there really isn't a "normal" for these kiddos. I wish someone had the magic key to unlocking all these questions we have. I know in time all will become clear to us and all the hurt will be wiped away and our precious little ones will be free from all that has held them back in this life. Thankfully this life is not our "home". I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and hope that Ben has seen some improvement by now!
    Heather Johnson
