
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fellows and Frost

I usually like to have a book that I read out loud to the kids at night.
We've done some really fun ones.  One of my very favorites was The Candymakers.
Sometimes Josh likes to suggest our next book.  I gave him the full set of Hardy Boys books a few years ago and he reads them when he doesn't have any other books on hand.  Just recently he wanted us to read the first book as a family.
We weren't too far into the book before we realized Mr. Dixon used many fun, old fashioned words in his writing.  For some reason, I thought it might be fun to count the times that the word "fellow" was used.  We decided to add the word "chum" to the list as well.  Every night we read the book, one of the kids would grab a pen and keep a tally on each of those words.

We ended up with 25 fellows and 4 chums.
It was kind of a fun activity :)

Yesterday was a green air I had to take advantage and go for a run.
It was -3 degrees but once you've been moving for a few minutes you warm right up.
On the way home I could see some whiteness above my right eye.  I pulled out my phone and looked at myself in the camera.  I found a surprising amount of frost on my eyelashes and it just begged for a picture (even though I can't stand posting selfies :).

On a side note: when Andy saw this picture he wondered why I had a picture of my sister.
I had to tell him it was his wife he was looking at :)


  1. Those old books do have a language all their own, sometimes, don't they?
    The eyelashes are pretty cool looking (literally and figuratively). There is quite an "Angie" look to that photo--interesting. : )

  2. Cute idea! And...if a mom didn't post a selfie, there would be virtually no pictures of her in existence.
