
Monday, February 17, 2014

School Moments

Matt sang with the first grade at an assembly.

I love watching his face when he sings :)

Ben made himself at home on the floor with the iPad with "Ha" (Katrina)

Josh received his "Iditarod Champion" reading award.

Abby is part of the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM or gifted and talented) program.  There are only 6 kids in the third grade that are in the program and four of them are in our ward...kind of fun :)
Abby did her most recent presentation on Electric Eels.
She did great!

I love seeing what she does with her artistic abilities.

Josh and his friend, Donny, decided to participate in the Science Fair together this year.
They did a fun project on which brand of gum had the longest lasting flavor.

Good job guys!

This same duo created a project for the Art Show also...a 3D shark :)


  1. AWESOME KIDS!!! What a great mom you are!!

    Blessings, hugs and prayers!

    (You do know that I pray for you and all your family every day!)

  2. Love seeing what the kids are up to (or down to--as in, Ben on the floor with Trina). Way to go, Matt, Abby and Josh!
    Did I space the Iditarod awards assembly, or did I not know about it?

  3. Wow y'all are busy! And I'm with mom, you are an amazing mom!

  4. Cute pictures. I am so impressed with the shark.
