
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Wearin' o' the Green 2014

Even though my shamrock plant looked like this by St. Patty's day,  we still had a grand time :)
 When I was in line at the grocery store, early in March, buying this plant, a neighbor came in line behind me and asked what the occasion was...why was I buying a plant?
I said, "It's a shamrock."
I guess I thought that would explain everything, but by the somewhat blank stare I received in return I figured I needed to explain some more.
I told him I realized not everyone celebrates St. Patrick's Day but it is kind of big at our house.  
My Dad served an LDS mission to Ireland and, well, we're Bryans.
Abby summed it up quite well in this little piece of art...
We are more than a wee bit Irish.  We are Bryans!
I found these super fun moustaches at Old Navy!
The kids loved wearing them...even Ben :)

 I've decided Abby is a face maker when it comes to picture taking.

 Business as usual...just with a green moustache on my face.

 I tried to do a green dinner, but it's nothing worth showing...kind of lame actually but my family were good sports.
We also had a chocolate, gold coin hunt and watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People...a classic!

I hope Abby doesn't mind me showing these last pictures.
They are just so fun!
I found this earlier this month in our guest bedroom.
Apparently the olympic influence was still strong in the imagination at the time.
(Half Pipe.  Sorry, we don't have any mini skate boards so you will have to bring your own.  Come prepared.)

Then, just tonight, I found this thoughtful resting place for some weary leprechauns.
 (I'm curious why she chose the term "bar"! :)

 One penny for each person that comes.  Thank you for coming.

 If necessary, you can chip off pieces of food.  Only take one sip at a time from big cups.

Half Pipe - Only have one skate board.
(I'm glad she found a skateboard for them :)

And a shout out to all of my siblings...
A happy birthday to my wonderful sister Angie!
And safe travels to my two brothers on their trip home from Iceland (because everybody goes to Iceland for their spring break :)


  1. That is so cute! All the green stuff and mustaches! Adorable family! And Abby is so cute with all her stuff! I love it!
    We kinda celebrated at work and everybody brought something for lunch. We had green jellos, puddings and punch! And cookie cake with green icing! Yum!

  2. Love the bar! Maybe a word of wisdom lesson next Monday night?

  3. Tennille's comment had me laughing. : )
    Doesn't everyone buy a Shamrock for St. Patty's Day--before they go to Iceland on Spring Break?
    What fun. Everyone looks great in a green moustache! Well, Andy was conspicuous in his lack of one.
    I love all of the accommodations for visiting little people. No traps this year--just concern for their comfort. So cute. And that is a great sign Abby made about being Bryans.
