
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter 2014

I think my niece put this moustache on the peep banner at my MIL's house and I thought it was so funny :)

Saturday night we did an egg hunt in the basement (Sorry for the blurry pics).
One of these days we'll do it outside during the day but there is always just so much already going on that it's hard to fit it in.

Ben was oblivious to the proceedings so I decided to keep it that way and just took the older kids down and left Ben with Andy. {I had thought about doing special eggs for him with non candy things in them but when it came down to it, I was tired and he was happy where he was.}  This is what we found when we came back up :)  He sure knows how to make a mess.

Next year Ben, when you're not on this crazy diet, I will be so happy to include you in the egg hunt!

The next pictures of the farm are not taken on Easter day, but the week before (I think).  On Easter, we went out to the farm also, but I didn't take my camera, for which I am kicking myself because the kids got to hold the lambs that time.  Oh well :)

This mama had triplets...we all think the little black and white one looks like a calf :)

A couple of older ones who had lost their way.

Ben loves the farm!

We had a lovely little Easter surrounded by family and blessed with the knowledge of our Saviour and His great sacrifice for us.

1 comment:

  1. The moustache bunny is so cute! And so is the little bunny at the end!
    In between those two, I thought Abby's and Matt's grinning faces in the solo egg hunt photos looked alike (so did Ang).
    Wow, I've never seen Ben completely empty the cabinet before. And I love Josh's face in the photo with the triplets. : )
