
Thursday, July 31, 2014

July Odds and Ends

Lots of little things this month...

I know it's kind of hard to tell but this is a picture of my three oldest watching "Upside Downton Abbey" on Sesame Street.  They all felt like they needed to turn upside down to view it :)

Andy and I actually went on a date in July!...I know, it's rare :)
As usually happens on our date nights, if we don't have something specific planned, we end up shopping.  Andy had to try out the pillows at Bed Bath and Beyond.

So this next thing is not a little thing but I only got one picture...
Ben and Andy and I went down to Primary Children's in the middle of the month and they gave us the go ahead to start tapering off the diet.  At first, after they had asked us how he was doing and we told them about his weekly clusters, they wanted to increase the ratio (make it even more strict) and possibly add a new med in the near future.  We assured them that we really didn't think that would help his clusters...the diet has not really touched his tonic clonics at all and we've seen no change in them when we've increased the ratio before.  After discussing it with us, they thought that we were probably fine to come off of it.  Yeah!!!
I was so thrilled!
It will most likely take about 3-4 months to taper and be completely done, but I am just so happy that we are in the process now and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
This picture is of the new entrance to the hospital.  It is much nicer and well done.  My brother things it looks like pringles hanging up there :)

Again, I guess not a very little thing but I wasn't there to experience it so I don't feel that it needs a full post on it's own :)
The week after our Kidd family camp Andy and my brothers went backpacking in the Wind Rivers.
They were gone for 2-3 days and had quite the time.
These are some of the amazing pictures he brought home...


I was proud of him for taking a couple of selfies...even with mosquitos on his face :)

Next time I want to go!

We celebrated Grandpa Kidd's birthday...
 One of my cute cousins that I only see about once a year.

 Talking to Grandma about family history.

91 years old!
 Grandpa reading about his gift from the family.
He has a terrible tremor and is most annoying when he eats.  Dad found this online and we all chipped in and ordered it for him.


 Dad took Ben on a walk and found a ditch to play in :)
Shortly thereafter, he had a couple of seizures and hung out on my lap for quite a while.
He did perk up close to the end of the evening enough to eat his dinner.

My uncle served his mission in Thailand and so when we gather at his house, it is often curry night!
He usually makes three different kinds of varying heat.
I love it and need to get his recipes :)

It was also Great Grandma O.'s birthday a few days later.
Andy and I were talking recently about G Grandparents.
We realized our children still have 6/8 great grandparents alive.
Andy's mom lost her mom right before he and I started dating and my dad lost his dad when Matt was a Josh and Abby have memories of him also.
What a blessing.

At our last family night, Ben was so tired and eventually fell asleep on Matt's lap...pretty cute :)


  1. Does your hubby usually lie down in the aisles of the stores when you shop? *LOL*
    Andy got some great shots in the Windrivers!
    Love that last little photo. : )

  2. Yay!!! I'm happy you get to taper off the diet.
