
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A Birthday Post of Sorts

I didn't document my birthday very well but it was a very pleasant day :)
Breakfast was brought to me in bed.  Andy is always very good about making sure I have something different and yummy on my special days.

I spent the rest of the day doing exactly what I wanted to do...mostly reading.
I also did some quilting and playing of instruments

One funny thing happened on my birthday.  In the afternoon we got word from our city that we were not to use our culinary water for any reason except to flush the toilets.
Our water source had been contaminated.
Andy ran to the store to get bottled water for the next several days.
It was an adventure and made me think a little more about what I need to do to get our family in shape for an emergency.

For Christmas I had given Andy tickets to Brian Regan.
It was two days after my birthday so it seemed to be part of my birthday celebration.
That guy is hilarious and Andy and I had such a fantastic time!

When we came out of the venue it was dumping buckets of rain.
If you know me, you know I wouldn't have had it any other way :)
A perfect night!


  1. You didn't mention that you were ill. Other than that, it sounds like a perfect birthday!
