
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Angie's Long Distance Shower

My cute sister and her husband were informed back in November that a birth mother had chosen them to adopt her baby!  We have been so excited around here :)
I wanted to throw a long distance shower for her so with her input we came up with a fairly simple plan.  I ordered a cute bunch of woodland animal images from Etsy and came up with a card with instructions, a poem (politely asking for gifts to be in the form of money), and a card for the "guests" to write advice for Angie.  I included an envelope and stamp to make it easy.

(a copy of the poem)

Little Maggie Fe is scheduled (c-section) to be born tomorrow!
Can't wait to see this sweetheart :)

I had the opportunity to make another card for another mother recently.
An aide in Abby's orchestra class lost a baby to SIDS and so the class wanted to do something for her.  I cut out a bunch of notes with my silhouette and sent them to class with Abby and had all the students sign them with silver sharpies.  I didn't even think of marking the front and back of the notes somehow...I guess I just figured that even amateur musicians would know the difference :)
Oh well, I just had to put some of them on the staff backwards.

I made the card, another mother picked up a gift basket from Great Harvest and we, along with the kids, presented them to her at their last concert.


  1. Cute! You're so talented. :) Hoping everything goes well for Maggie's arrival!

  2. Congrats to your sister!! So exciting!

  3. Such a cute shower, Aimee. I think it was a great success.
    I can hardly wait for news of the birth!!
    A very nice card for the orchestra aide. As a former young amateur musician, I probably would have signed it wrong, too. : )
