
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Goodbye Dr. McWhorter

Abby had her final orchestra concert for the year.

She did awesome!

It was a special concert because the director of the county orchestra program was retiring.
Apparently, he is quite a well respected cellist across the country.
As part of the retirement surprise at this last concert there was a cello choir made of of his old students, some of which had traveled quite a way to be there.  Among them were the kids' current private cello teacher, their school orchestra director and a few cello professors from surrounding universities and colleges.

It was pretty neat to watch him as they played.
His wife came up and stood by his side during the performance.

Josh waiting in the wings for the next stage of the surprise...

In advance, an email had gone out asking for past county orchestra participants to come prepared to play the group's theme along with everyone else on stage.
Josh chose to play so it was neat to have both Abby and Josh playing together at a concert...that hasn't happened before.

The kids' teachers
(Matt is included in the "kids" since he talked me into letting him start taking lessons several months ago)  Speaking of Matt, he had pack meeting so that's where he and Andy and Ben were that night.

Grandma and Grandpa were both able to come.

Afterward, we sloshed through a downpour back to our cars and they treated us to ice cream :)
It was quite a special evening.

1 comment:

  1. It was special for us, as well. Love having cellists in the family!
