
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Spring Birthdays are Beautiful

Once again, I have collected quite a bit of pictures and events to blog about over the last couple of months.  I am going to try and do a little bit each day until I am caught up.

I love having my birthday in the spring.  To me, it is the perfect time of year...rain/clouds and flowers.
I caught this big, fat bumbler hanging around my grape hyacinth one day...

Last fall I planted a whole bunch of exotic looking tulips in some barrels in my backyard.  I was so looking forward to their bloom time but was quite disappointed with their showing.  I guess maybe bulbs might not do too well in containers?  I don't know but hardly any appeared.
These were the ones that decided to grace me with their presence...

 When my Sensation lilac bloomed this year I noticed an albino bunch near the ground...

Then I noticed a bunch with one white pretty :)

These clouds were actually during the month of May but I loved them so much!

On my birthday Ben was having seizures and stayed home from school so I thought all my plans for the day were shot.  However, my sweet dad got wind of it and came to be with his buddy so I could follow through with my exercise class, Religion in Life with Brad Wilcox and then lunch at Morty's with Andy and my bros.
I ordered my fave...their yummy fries and a peanut butter cup shake.

Andy went out on a limb and ordered their PB&J burger.
It was quite messy but he said it was pretty good :~

Andy made me feel special Kneader's raspberry lemonade cupcakes, purple roses and decorations.

Present time!

I had actually ordered most of my presents from Amazon on Andy's behalf...
I'm kind of in a reading mode lately :)
I also got a doughnut pan that I had asked for.

The following Sunday we celebrated at my parents' house as usual.

I was blessed with one of my mom's beautiful miniature quilts.

I had a lovely birthday week thanks to many people :)


  1. Those are very pretty tulips, but you may be right--they may not do as well in containers.
    Glad you got a shot of the albino lilac. Interesting.
    A PB&J burger? Seriously? Yikes! Glad he liked it. : )
    I was so happy that your Dad could give you your birthday plans back, since I was unable. Looks like it was a great day!

  2. I love spring flowers - it's always so nice to see them pop up after a snowy winter. Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great day - sorry about Ben's seizures, how is he doing now? Cute little quilt from your mom! Andy is pretty brave with that burger and a white shirt!

    1. Hi Julie!
      Yes, Andy has had to learn to be careful :) He's had some pretty funny experiences with food and his white shirts.
      Thank you for asking about Ben. He is doing okay...about the same as usual. Could be so much worse though so we count our blessings. Hope all is well with you. Thanks for the comment :)
