
Friday, November 18, 2016

Halloween 2016

Here's my Halloween crew...

Josh and Matt both wanted to be hobos.

I got pics of everyone before school except for Josh so this shot was later that night.

About the only character that Ben loves that he hasn't been for Halloween was "Super Why".
I didn't get crafty at all...just decided to buy it online and it fit wonderfully!

Abby's costume was the trickiest...
I think I purchased three different pirate costumes and none of them fit or worked well.
We eventually ordered the shirt off of Amazon and were very grateful that it fit, found some boots at Walmart, the hat at Halloween City and kind of just pieced together the rest of it.

We were able to visit Grandmas after school...always fun to see them...and of course, Ben wasn't cooperating very well for the pictures :)

That night the kids went off with their friends to go around the neighborhood and my parents and brothers came over for dinner.  We watched Halloween Studio Cs and munched on goodies and handed out lots of candy.
My little Super Why was exhausted.

I forgot to get pictures of the pumpkins in their full glory but here they are just before we turned out the porch light....

Andy is so sweet and often finds random reasons to bring flowers home for me.
I don't want to sound like I hate Halloween but it is definitely not my favorite holiday.
I am always relieved when it is over and we can get on to Thanksgiving.
Knowing that it is kind of a stressful day for me, Andy brought these beautiful roses home to brighten my evening.

Happy November Everyone :)


  1. What a wonderful bunch of kiddos! And those roses....lovely beyond words!

    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Your children always have fun costumes. You do good work.
    Can Andy talk to Gregg about flowers for random reasons? : )
