
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Caramel Apple Story

So Andy's boss was coming over for Family Home Evening one October Monday night.
Kind of last minute, Andy decided it would be fun to do caramel apples.

I called my good friend Katie who is a caramel apple guru and got some tips and her homemade caramel recipe.

I'm not much of a candy maker and so I had a hard time determining when the caramel had reached the "hard ball" stage.  I kind of guessed and then dipped all the apples just as our guest arrived.

After our wonderful lesson, given by Josh (who chose the topic of "guilt" :), I went over to check on the apples and get the chocolate ready to melt.  Hard As A Rock!  I had cooked the caramel way too long :(  Luckily we had a backup dessert ready to go.

We had such a fun evening with Andy's boss.  He was such a joy to have in our home...but I felt really bad that our apples didn't work out.  I was determined to get it right so the next day I bought more apples and called Katie again for more tips.


I was going to be seeing the boss again that evening at a meeting we were having with the student teachers so I planned to take one to him then.  I realized however that I should just make one for all the student teachers/spouses and Andy's secretary.

Once I got the hang of things they were actually quite enjoyable to make and I had just enough to give to everyone that night.
They were well received and I had many compliments later on about how they were "the best caramel apples they had ever had".

The next day I decided I needed to make some to give to friends so I went ahead and did another batch.  Lots of fun!

On Pinterest the other day I saw something rather intriguing...
chocolate, caramel dipped pears...hmmmmm... I may have to try out this more Christmasy version of my newly acquired skill :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow--how did all this happen and I didn't know it? I am impressed! They look delicious!
