
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

No, I'm not giving up :)

A week or two ago my mom asked me if I had given up on my blog...
No, I'm just super far behind :(
As long as this is the most efficient/effective way of keeping a record of my family's doings, I will keep it up.

So get ready for months worth of catch we go :)

Back to the summer, before school started again, we wanted to do a quick, mini trip since we didn't have our annual family vacation.

We drove down to Salt Lake and went to the Church History Museum.  

The only pictures I took there were up in the children's play area where Ben was happy climbing around.
I promise Abby was there too...just not really engaged in these activities
Then we drove on to Grandpa and Grandma Bryan's house for a couple of days.
Here are Ben and Grandpa being buddies.

I stayed at the house with Ben while Andy took the older three into the Uintahs for a day...

Here are just a couple of random moments from the summer....

Red moons from wild fires always fascinate me.

I was a spontaneous mom for once and slept out in the backyard in a tent with the kids (minus Josh who prefers his bed and Ben)

1 comment:

  1. At our last trip to the museum I was surprised by the large play area. Looks like the boys had a good time there.
    And it appears that those who went to the Uintahs had a really good time. What pretty country!
    I was never that spontaneous as a Mom (as you well know)--good for you!
