
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Matt's Ordination and an Update on Ben

Matt was ordained a deacon at the end of October.
The poor guy had to wait several weeks after his birthday because of conferences and me being out of town.  He was patient though and it was a great day!

A quick update on Ben:
He had an amazing summer!...and beyond...
He went 5 months without a cluster of more than 3-4 seizures at a time and no emergency med intervention.  He slept so well and even when he did have a seizure in the night he would go right back to sleep which was a beautiful thing!
He was happy and alert...and when he went back to school his teachers were amazed at how much more verbal he was than in the spring.
It truly was a miraculous 5 months!
(These pictures are of Ben and some of his friends playing ball at a the end of a ward activity in October.  They are so good with him and it does my mother's heart good to see things like this :)

A few days after I got back from my trip back east he ended up having a cluster and needing Diastat.
His wonderful stretch came to an end.
He struggled for a few days but we are now close to being another month cluster and Diastat free!

At his last IEP we talked about how some things seem to be getting harder for him...things like walking down steps.  We're noticing a lot of things at home that used to work that no longer quite cut it...such as his high chair that he sits in to eat.  We need some place that can contain him so he doesn't slip out but is bigger than a toddler's chair.  We are looking into getting a specialized stroller since he's getting bigger and harder to carry around and our old stroller doesn't fit him any more.
Some changes need to be made.  Soon I won't be able to buy Huggies diapers for him anymore.  I need to start looking into what my options are there.  I'm worried that it might be pricey :(
Anyway, just some ramblings about our forward thinking for this little guy that we love.

1 comment:

  1. Love that grin on Matt's face. :)
    Precious Ben. I'll help buy his diapers!
