
Monday, January 14, 2019

Christmas Music 2018

Cello recital...
I accompanied Josh and it wasn't a Christmas song but it was fun nonetheless...

Orchestra concert...
The Christmas one is always fun because they end up combining the choir, bands and orchestras all for one final number.
(Josh's head is in the center of the picture below.  Orchestra concerts are always hard to get good pictures of your child unless they sit on the very end)

Piano Recital...

Annette always has everyone do duets for the Christmas recital...

Matt and his partner played "Mr Grinch"
("The bow" is always a fun part for me so I had to put it in even though it's a blurry pic :)

Josh and his partner played a medley...
Christmas Hymn Fantasy was what it was called I think...

And Abby and her partner played Have a Holly Jolly Christmas.

They all did very well!
It was so fun to have Andy's parents be able to come that night.  I don't know that they've ever been to one of the kids' recitals before so it was a special treat.
I had taken Ben out to my parents' house so that my dad could watch him for us since he doesn't do well at recitals.  I was very grateful to him for doing that and grateful to my mom for also coming and supporting the kids.

After the recital, I drove out in a snowstorm to go pick up Ben and then meet up with Merill, Nancy and the fam for dinner at a restaurant.
It was a relief for the kids to have that done and over with.

1 comment:

  1. Each number was well done. I enjoy coming to hear their performances. They are great kids and good musicians!
