
Monday, May 6, 2019

4 Months Behind

Wow!  I believe I have never been this far behind on my blog!  The beginning of the year is always a bit slow with just odds and ends here and there and so I usually wait to accumulate a bunch before I post, but this time I have waited too long...a lot of catching up to do and my goal is to get it done this week, so let's see how I do :)

For Christmas, Abby had wanted a NASA hoodie so I ordered the one on the right but it was too small.  Matt liked it though so I didn't return it.  We tried again and I ordered the one on the left.  I can't remember what was wrong with this one but it wasn't up to Abby's standards for some reason so I tried to return it but Amazon gave me a refund and said not to worry about returning it.  Score!  I have taken over that one :)
Anyway, Matt and I had to get a pic of us twinning...
Abby still does not have a NASA hoodie :(

Ben continues to line things up...

I can't remember why I was down on the ground like that but Ben took advantage of my position and used me as his platform :)

This little guy is doing pretty well!

He will turn 10 in a month...I can't believe it!

Over the last several months his seizures have become more random and unpredictable but at the same time there are less of them... there's that.

We are grateful for where he is at this point...and he seems we are happy :)

Abby had to do a school project in the winter.  She spent 10 hours cooking, prepping meals for the family...
She learned how to make freezer meals and use the Instant Pot!

Abs came to Andy's class with me one day that she had off of school.  Here she is finding his candy hidden in his office...

Because of the change in the church regarding age and priesthood and such, Josh was ordained a priest 6 months sooner than we had anticipated.
He's such a great guy!  We love him :)

This was a cool moon sighting as we were driving out to my parents' for dinner one Sunday evening...

I enjoyed hiking through the Swiss Alps with our new incline trainer!

I bought some yummy looking chocolate that was packaged so prettily...I had a hard time breaking into it...

It was okay, but sadly, it didn't taste as good as it looked.

Matt and his friend Ben did a project for the science fair...

They worked well together and did a great job!

Okay, that's my first little roundup and it gets me through most of January.
More to come...

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot here.
    Great shot of you two in your twin hoodies.
    Love the shot of Ben lining things up on your back. Cute close-ups, too.
    Ten years old--wow! Hard to grasp.
    Didn't know Abby had spent that much time in the kitchen. Did she enjoy it?
    Beautiful moon photos. I'd have taken some pictures of that if I had seen it.
    Too bad the chocolate didn't live up to the packaging.
    Good for Matt. Let me know when those things happen. I will come if I can!
