
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

April Odds and Ends

So for the last few couple days of spring break our family (minus Josh who was on tour with the orchestra) went down to Park City.  I didn't get a whole lot of pictures but here's a few...
Some of us went to support cousin Cassidy in her orchestra concert...

We went to Dairy Keen.
That was my first time which everyone was amazed at since they've all been there multiple times.
Ben loved watching the train go around above our heads while we ate.  It was almost too much of a distraction :)

Saturday was General Conference so we were snuggled up on couches a lot.  Ben chose to hang out with Abby...

While in Park City, Ben had a moment coming up the stairs where we didn't really see anything happen but he started crying all of a sudden...really hard.  It took a while for him to calm down but then he seemed fine until the next morning or so.  Then he was suddenly limping terribly.  It got so bad that he started crawling to get from one place to the next because he didn't want to walk.  I checked him out all over to see if I could find the cause and I found nothing.  I asked the school if he could hang out in a wheel chair until he was doing better but they strongly encouraged me to get him checked out.  I did it a bit reluctantly because this has happened at least two other times where he starts limping and we get x-rays and everything looks fine.  This did seem to be the worst we had seen though so, not being able to get into our regular doctor, we went to Instacare for a 2 hour visit :)
Bless his heart, he was so patient sitting there waiting...

He was super tired too and didn't last until the Dr came in.
We finally got the xrays and then waited some more for them to be looked at.
Once again, everything looked fine.

We had been thinking we should probably see a pediatric orthopedic specialist for a while because of these episodes and the fact that he pronates quite a bit and has an awkward gait.
This experience tipped us over the edge and I found one in Layton that we were able to get into quite soon.  That appointment went pretty well.  It was tricky to get the many x-rays that they needed.  It took me and another staff member to hold him in place for most of the time.
He was so good though.  The Dr said she didn't see anything that she was really concerned about...there were a couple of growth plate issues that she said we would want to keep a close eye on over the next few years but overall she thought he looked really good.  That was a relief!
I just wish he could tell us what's going on when he's having to limp and where and when things hurt :(  This was stopped at a stop  light on the way home from that appointment...poor guy...he can fall asleep just about anywhere!

Matt's scout group had a bakeoff.
He wanted to make a cake so after going through options he decided on a lemon bundt...

He did a really great job!
They were told to have minimum help from parents so I answered questions that he had and showed him how to zest a lemon but he really did it all by himself.
I was super proud of him!  It was delicious too and the whole family wants him to make it a regular thing :)

Matt was also selected to be in a big art show for the south end of the valley.  It was held at Ridgeline H.S.

Way to go with the modern look Bud!
 That night was super crazy rushing around from piano and cello lessons to the art show and swapping Ben back and forth and ending with Andy and I speaking at the Married Student Stake date night on campus.  I was late because I had miscalculated all of my chauffeuring.  But it turned out fine.  I gave a short testimony/thought and turned the rest of the time over to Andy who did wonderfully as always.  It was really fun seeing some students from his classes.  It kind of took us back to when we were in those days...good memories!

Easter Sunday
Ben lately, has been drawn to the pictures of the Savior all over the church building.  He likes this one especially.  He had been reaching up and touching him and I wanted to get a picture of that but he turned as I took the picture.  This is still pretty sweet :)

Later that day...two worn out guys.
I think it's so sweet when Ben snuggles up with Andy and they both fall asleep.

 My birthday came and went.
My family always makes it special.
This was the night before at Mom and Dad's house...
 Jo and T were there.  They had stayed the night at our place since the night before had been Dad's American Festival Chorus Easter concert.  It's fun to see Dad participate in something like that.  They did a great job and I was amazed at the changes to, what used to be, the Kent Concert Hall.  It was like I was in a totally different place!

Andy brought home such a beautiful bouquet for me...

These are my workout buddies...
My birthday was on a Monday which normally would be a workout day and I was totally planning on it but then I swallowed my vitamin pill and almost immediately had, what had to have been, terrible heartburn.  I felt awful and nauseous.  It brought me to tears and vomiting :( The burning in my chest would not go away so I texted the ladies and told them I would not make it in that day.  They had been planning on celebrating my birthday with me so they wished me well and we set up a lunch for after our workout 2 days later.
I love these ladies!  They are the best!

March Odds and Ends

So I felt like it was time our front door needed a new wreath...

I wanted to do cotton to match a new doormat I had bought and then found this fun little hedgehog and had to give him a home nestled in the greenery!

Benji got a new "stroller".
Long ago he outgrew our Bob jogging stroller.
It had been so great!  So light and easy to transport and maneuver.
Pretty much any new regular stroller would not have accommodated his size so we went to pediatric rehab at our hospital and they hooked us up with a guy that helped us get this one.
It's definitely bigger and heavier but we are trying to get used to it.
This was on it's maiden voyage to Primary Children's Hospital.  Ben had a routine follow up (basically just to get his meds renewed).  We met with a new doctor since our old one retired (without us knowing).  It went well.  I was even brave enough to stop at Target on the way home.  I rarely go shopping with Ben but I really wanted to give this new stroller a good try.  I'd give our experience with it about a 7 out of 10.

Josh got his driving permit!
He hadn't really been in any hurry to get his permit...hadn't really studied for the test or anything but he started taking drivers ed and they told him if he didn't have his permit he couldn't take the class.
So we rushed over to the DMV and he barely passed on his first try :)  It's been strange having him drive around places...putting the lives of our family in his hands (we've had a couple of scary moments)...but he's getting the hang of things.

I love it when my orchids Rebloom!  I recently had four reblooming at the same time (I gave one away) so I had to take a picture.
They are just such a fun plant and make the perfect gift.

I love this one!

Matt had a goal this year to get his Reading Counts Iditarod Champion award.
His friend, who was the first one to get the award this year and therefore has the honor of picking the color of the t-shirts they will get, told Matt that if he earned the award he would let him choose pink as the color.  For some reason that really motivated Matt (pink if his fave color right now) and I am grateful because I always love to see him enjoying a book.

Josh did track again this year!
He's such a great sport!

I love that he participates in this on his own and I am proud to support him at the meets I am able to attend.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Grandpa Hubbard's Funeral

Andy's maternal grandmother passed away in February.
Her funeral was March 1st.

Andy and his sister Lyndi who lives in Tennessee...

Some of the girl cousins...
It was the first time we had seen cousin Katie (second from the left) since returning from her mission in late December.

I love Matt's face in this one...

Some of the guy cousins...and Matt was making that face on purpose...

The funeral was beautiful.
Andy was asked to speak and he did such a nice job.
Oren Hubbard was a good man and well loved by his family and friends.
I accompanied on the piano while all the grandkids and great grandkids sang I Am A Child of God.

This headstone of Charles Wesley is in the Willard cemetery where Grandpa Hubbard was buried.  Charles is Grandpa Hubbard's Great Grandfather.  He sent his wagon with his son to carry Heber C Kimball and Brigham Young on their way to their mission in England when they cried out to their families "Hurrah for Israel".

Andy and his brothers and cousins were pallbearers...

Nancy is such a tender woman and I'm sure it was so hard for her to lay her father to rest.

Nancy and her siblings...

Andy and his siblings...

The wonderful Bryan family that I married in to...

My older two kids missed the first day of their new trimester.  I'm glad the three of them were able to come.  We left Ben at school (as we have with other funerals of his great grandparents) since he would have not understood and been a handful to keep track of and happy :)

Abby's embarrassed by this pic since she thought everyone was making silly faces but she was the only one that did.  Although, I must say, she tends to make silly faces in every picture

I love these pictures of Andy and his mom :)