
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

March Odds and Ends

So I felt like it was time our front door needed a new wreath...

I wanted to do cotton to match a new doormat I had bought and then found this fun little hedgehog and had to give him a home nestled in the greenery!

Benji got a new "stroller".
Long ago he outgrew our Bob jogging stroller.
It had been so great!  So light and easy to transport and maneuver.
Pretty much any new regular stroller would not have accommodated his size so we went to pediatric rehab at our hospital and they hooked us up with a guy that helped us get this one.
It's definitely bigger and heavier but we are trying to get used to it.
This was on it's maiden voyage to Primary Children's Hospital.  Ben had a routine follow up (basically just to get his meds renewed).  We met with a new doctor since our old one retired (without us knowing).  It went well.  I was even brave enough to stop at Target on the way home.  I rarely go shopping with Ben but I really wanted to give this new stroller a good try.  I'd give our experience with it about a 7 out of 10.

Josh got his driving permit!
He hadn't really been in any hurry to get his permit...hadn't really studied for the test or anything but he started taking drivers ed and they told him if he didn't have his permit he couldn't take the class.
So we rushed over to the DMV and he barely passed on his first try :)  It's been strange having him drive around places...putting the lives of our family in his hands (we've had a couple of scary moments)...but he's getting the hang of things.

I love it when my orchids Rebloom!  I recently had four reblooming at the same time (I gave one away) so I had to take a picture.
They are just such a fun plant and make the perfect gift.

I love this one!

Matt had a goal this year to get his Reading Counts Iditarod Champion award.
His friend, who was the first one to get the award this year and therefore has the honor of picking the color of the t-shirts they will get, told Matt that if he earned the award he would let him choose pink as the color.  For some reason that really motivated Matt (pink if his fave color right now) and I am grateful because I always love to see him enjoying a book.

Josh did track again this year!
He's such a great sport!

I love that he participates in this on his own and I am proud to support him at the meets I am able to attend.

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