
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

More Odds and Ends (Februaryish)

So Andy's current assignment with his job is to train those who would like to become seminary teachers in our area.  He teaches intro classes and based on what he sees in those classes, chooses a handful of student teachers each year.  After usually a year of student teaching, he, along with his boss from the central office, make decisions on who could be offered a full time position teaching seminary.
Then, based on their recommendations and the number of positions available that year, some are hired...and some are not.  It's a long, competitive and often brutal process, and usually, one that Andy doesn't necessarily love because it involves telling so many people hard truths, breaking hearts and shattering dreams.  He's very good at teaching the gospel and teaching others how to teach the gospel though and I'm proud of him.
Each semester (just finished my 6th) I take his daytime intro class at the institute and I enjoy getting to know many of his candidates for student teaching.  Each time he tells me I should do the practicum experience that goes along with the class but I always roll my eyes and tell him 'no way' because it's too scary for me.  The practicums involve a 2 day and a 5 day experience.
With the 2 day you go and observe a class and then teach that class the next day.  Same with the 5 day, observe the first day and then teach the next four days.
Toward the end of last year though, I was planning some goals for myself and the thought came that I should do this and stretch myself.  I really didn't want to but I decided that I would.

In February I did my 2 day...
This is me, scared to pieces to go into the classroom...

It was hard.  The students were quiet and I didn't feel like it went very well.
Then in March, I went to a different class and did my 5 day.
This class was much more willing to participate and the students were supportive of me and even though I was still super nervous, I felt a bit more comfortable and excited to teach.
Andy came and observed me on my 3rd day (just like he would any other of his students).
He was super hesitant to give feedback but I pried some things out of him :)
It was a good experience and I'm really glad I did it!
It took a whole lot of time, effort and worry but it pulled me out of my comfort zone and was worth it.  I hope in the long run, it has made me a better person.
And I'm just so glad it's over!'s been haunting me for months now that I was going to have to do this :)

The Utah North Area was invited to sing at the S&I broadcast in February.
That's always a fun experience to sing in the tabernacle with a bunch of friends :)

Over the last few months I've been doing a bunch of flowers with my friend Laura again!
It's always a joy to work with flowers...seriously...they are so much fun!

These are some of my favorites of the ones I've done...
(Mostly boutonnieres and corsages for dances)

We've missed our little Humphrey around here.  But we were given an opportunity recently to babysit a friend's hedgehog!
We were all pretty excited about it and we enjoyed having a critter in the house again...

Josh had his Pops orchestra concert.
They always make this one pretty fun with different visuals and effects...

They play music from popular movies...

And it's hard to tell, but in this one they performed with black lights and glow sticks...

Abby came and helped support him this time!
We also stocked up on fundraiser chocolate to help pay for the upcoming tour to Disneyland!

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