
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

End of School Concerts/ Assemblies and Abby's Braces Come Off!

 May is always filled with all kinds of end of year school things...
Here's Josh's last orchestra concert for the year...

I really do enjoy attending these and hearing the beautiful music they have been working on.

The next morning, Abby got her braces taken off!
It was a joyous occasion!
I had her take her own before and after pics in the car...

I treated her with a Jamba afterward.  She was super happy!

Great timing for her guitar concert that night!

She was front and center so it made it nice for picture taking...

They played a piece with the guitars behind their heads...

It wasn't until I arrived and saw the program that I found out she had a vocal solo/duet (she sang by herself and with the other girl).  She had kept it a secret from me so I would be surprised.
I totally was and was so pleased!
I was happy that she was confident and courageous enough to do such a thing and she did such a super job!
Way to go Abs!

With her good friend Krystal...

That night I had to get some more braceless pics since her selfies were a bit blurry...

The next day, Matt had his reading counts assembly...
His friend who had the privilege of choosing the color of T shirts for the Iditarod Champions this year told Matt that if he earned the 500 points for the award that he would let Matt choose.  Matt really wanted a hot pink shirt so he put in the work and got it done!

They sang/chanted their Iditarod song for the school and rocked their hot pink shirts!
Way to go Matt!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed Josh's concert. We enjoyed Abby's guitar performance--and her singing.
    I remember that huge feeling of joy when the braces came off. She looks great.
    That is fun that Matt got his wish of a pink t-shirt. :)
