
Thursday, June 27, 2019

Matt's Music Program and 6th Grade Graduation

Matt's music teacher put on a program the last week of school.
These are all the 6th graders...

Matt was surprised to see me there because he didn't tell me anything about it.  He claims he just forgot but I don't know...thank goodness for emails from teachers :)

They all did some numbers together but then each class did an individual one.  
He had told us earlier in the year that he had been learning poi balls so it was super fun to see him perform them.

I'm so used to seeing Abby doing these so it was cool for Matt to have his moment too.

The last day of school was a big graduation.
I totally forgot to have Matt dress up.
He didn't forget though and apparently, no jeans IS dressed up :)

So proud of this guy!
He has always been a team player and kind to everyone!
I think he's excited to move on to middle school and the new adventures that await him there.

So glad Josh was able to come support both of his brothers' graduations :)

This is Ben, one of Matt's good friends!

And these are his two teachers this year.
They were great and he seemed to enjoy them both!

I forgot where I had to take Josh later that afternoon but when I came home, I found these two both tuckered out together on the couch.
So sweet!

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