
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Mother's Day and Lots of Flowers!

Love this beautiful lady!
Thanks for being such an amazing mom, example and friend Momma!

They're the best!

I wish I would have thought to get a 4 generation with Grandma, Mom, me and Abs but I missed that opportunity :(

Along with Mother's Day weekend, there were two high school dances so Laura and I were kept super busy!  I got to be the lucky one to open the boxes and unwrap and prep the flowers!  It felt like Christmas morning!

 I know I don't need to post this many flowers but they make me happy and I like to remember some of my favorite creations...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Aims--love you back!
    That is a great shot of you with your 4.
    I'm glad we got what shots we did with Grandma on Mother's Day. Who knows if she will make it out to our place for dinner again?
    I love seeing all your floral creations, and I'm glad you have a chance to do something you love so much.
