
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Chase and Kylee's Wedding

Chase and Kylee got married in the Rexburg Idaho temple.  This was the first of our nieces/nephews to get married!
 The kids were great to watch Ben in the waiting room for us while we attended the sealing.
It was beautiful weather for pictures afterward...

Ellie spent a lot of time with Ben...

The cousins always have a great time together...

Ben had a seizure at the luncheon so we snuggled for a while...

It was a really pleasant day.  When the dancing began Josh came up and offered to take Ben (who was still recovering in my arms) from me so Andy and I could dance.  It was the sweetest thing.  And even though Andy doesn't enjoy dancing, he couldn't turn that down.  It was really precious!

Back at Jenny and Mike's house, Preston enjoyed imitating Ben and his hedge position :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your kids have cousins around they can hang out with.
    That was very sweet of Josh.
    The photo of Ben and Preston is pretty funny. :)
