
Friday, November 8, 2019

San Diego Day 3

This was Sunday so we started off the day going to church.  It's always interesting and a good experience going to wards outside of Utah.

Afterward, we drove to the island of Coronado.
It was so beautiful!  I loved the vibe there.  After getting the lay of the land we drove back across the bridge and went to the...

...Mormon Battalion Visitor's Center...

Ben fell asleep early on during the tour.  It was a fun, interactive experience.

Afterwards, the kids panned for gold.

Abby would not give me a normal face...

Back in our awesome hotel room we broke our fast with some things we had bought the night before in La Jolla.

We also played some games...

Each night, Ben preferred to snuggle up in Abby's bed and then after he fell asleep we would move him down to his makeshift bed on the floor.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if that visitor's center even existed when I was in that part of California way back when--it was 48 years ago.
    Looks like everyone had a good time. Josh seems pleased with his gold find. Matt seems to have grown very attached to that gold pillow.
    Great shot of Abby and Ben.
