
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

End of Trimester Accomplishments

Abby surprised me once again by singing at her guitar concert!
This time it was a solo!
She sang "I'm Yours" and did a great job!
It was just kind of hard to hear her but she was awesome!

Such a brave girl!...I would never have been able to do that!

Josh had his end of trimester orchestra concert as well.
This one was the pops concert where they have a little more fun with movie clips and visual effects...

Dad was the grandparent support for these two concert just a couple of days apart since Mom was super busy with a church assignment and taking care of Grandma Kidd.

We had just barely made reservations and plans to take the family to Hawaii at this point and I remember talking to the Jeff and Cressent Nielsen family after the concert.  They were congratulating us on that decision and we were half joking about how maybe we wouldn't be able to go because of this Corona virus that we were hearing about happening on the other side of the world.  Little did we know...

Abby had taken art that trimester and I was so impressed with her projects!
She had so much fun and flourished learning new mediums and techniques.

Here are some of my favorites...

She's always had a talent for art and it's fun to see it grow!

1 comment:

  1. Good for Abby! I am proud of her. After about second grade I never had the courage to do a solo again.
    Wish I could have been to these performances, but was glad Gregg was there. Love Josh's grin in those photos. It sounds like a fun concert/
    It has been fun to see Abby's artistic talent over the years. Looks like the class was a good experience for her.
