
Friday, June 26, 2020

Other Quarantine Things

One side effect of COVID was that all the kids' music lessons switched to FaceTime...

Piano and cello.
It seemed to work just fine :)

Every week day the elementary bus would come by and drop off sack lunches and breakfasts for all school age children.  It was Matt's job to go meet the bus each day and retrieve the food.
Although the kids didn't always like the food that was provided, the meals were really helpful for Ben...because of course, he will eat anything.

Early on we made a Quarantine quote Board...
My favorite has got to be Josh's comment in late April when he wanted to go to town and buy a birthday present for me without me knowing.  The reason he gave me for wanting to take the van was "I need to toe dip into society".

...and a list of things we wanted to do during quarantine...
My favorite here is "Build tiny house, paint tiny house, make tiny house my new room." from Matt :)

Just a cute picture of my hubby...I don't know what it's from :)
He spent a lot of time doing ZOOM calls for work and his calling....mostly from home, sometimes at the stake center and sometimes from his office.

Here he is recording a message for the stake youth conference out in our backyard...

Until recently, Ben continued to nap away his afternoons wherever he saw fit.  He was usually on the floor so this was a rare moment on the couch after he had lined up his animals.

His seizures have increased slightly...
These were taken after he seized one morning.  He was being extra sweet and half smiling at me as he drifted in and out of sleep.


We had a virtual appointment with his neurologist midway through June.  We ended up changing his meds around to try and help with his sleep issues.  He's been having more and more nights where he just doesn't feel like he needs to fall asleep at all.  So he ends up getting out of bed, turning on the light and playing all night in the room while I try and sleep.  The meds he takes for aggression make him sleepy so we split them up so he will get some in the evening now instead of all in the morning.  It seems to be helping.  The first few nights we had to sing him to sleep (15+ times through I Am A Child of God) but now he is putting himself to sleep again.  He also is not napping at all during the day.

I have not made any masks but I have washed and ironed a whole bolt of material plus this stack that I retrieved from my stash to donate to the cause.

Another fun quarantine thing is Home Church!
We have really enjoyed it...can you tell?

But seriously, we have really had a good experience with church at home and will gladly continue for however long it is needed.

Sunday evenings at home have been filled with games and walks and treats brought to us by my wonderful parents who leave them on the doorstep and then ring the doorbell.  It is lovely to chat with them for a few minutes in person each week....even from a distance.

This one should have been posted much earlier.  Andy took this picture late March/early April at Macey's when all the craziness was going on at the stores

Also, a few days after Andy's birthday, he was rear-ended :(  He was the third car in a four car incident.
A week or so of whiplash etc. and a couple of weeks of car repair/insurance and we were good to go.

1 comment:

  1. I love this collection of quarantine quirks. I think I would have enjoyed my music lessons over Facetime--if there had been such a thing when I was taking music lessons.
    Great shots of Andy in the back yard.
    Those are sweet photos of sleepy Ben.
    Your Sunday evenings without us look like more fun than our Sunday evenings without you. :) Cute family photos.
    Glad the accident wasn't worse, though I'm sure the whiplash was no fun.
    I have some shots of empty shelves in grocery stores, too. It was crazy.
