
Thursday, October 1, 2020

School Starts and Sunday Socials

Well, school started up as usual this year even though we hadn't expected it to with COVID still being and issue.  Business as usual but with masks!

Ben's in 6th grade...last year of Elementary :(

Matt's in 8th...last year of middle school.

Abby's in 10th

And Josh is a Senior!

I had warned his bus driver and teacher that Ben wouldn't wear a mask.
I had tried to put one on him a few times before and within a few seconds he always tried to pull it off.
Imagine my surprise when Ben's teacher sent me this picture the first afternoon of school and told me he had kept it on all day!  He looks thrilled doesn't he?
I was amazed!...and continue to be amazed that he continues to wear them for the most part.
The other day at church he pulled it off a couple of times but he cooperated after a bit.

And this is now a view in our laundry room...
Thank you to my mom for making 50+ masks for the family!

As mentioned in my last post, we've had weekly Sunday visits from my parents.
At first we just visited at the front door but lately they've been coming to the back patio and we enjoy some time together visiting.  Ben loves getting outside and it's lovely to visit with family!


1 comment:

  1. Always love those "first day of school" photos.
    Ben does look pretty intense with that mask on.
    We have really enjoyed the backyard visits, but wonder what we will do as it gets colder.
