
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Andy's Birthday and Memorial Day

Poor Andy, he was sick leading up to his birthday so we weren't able to do his birthday dinner as a family Saturday night (his birthday was on a Sunday this year).  We also didn't gather with my family for dinner on his day.  He was just barely on the mend and starting to feel improvement.

I finally talked him into ordering an e-bike that he's been pining for for a few years now.  There's a whole story to that and how long it is taking to arrive and such but in the mean time, he also asked for a new briefcase/backpack.

It will be perfect for when his e-bike comes and he is able to ride it to work.

We were able to go on a birthday walk that evening.

Love this guy of mine! 
 He's such a great man and is super supportive and patient.
I felt bad that his birthday was less than perfect...which has often ended up being the case of late, but one of these years, it will go well :)

Josh and Matt joined me in Avon and Paradise for grave visits on Memorial Day morning...

Then Matt went with Jo and T to the park with the rest of the extended fam while Josh and I went up to  Logan cemetery and visited the Olsen graves.

Just one picture at the park but Andy was feeling well enough by now to bring the rest of the kids and join us for lunch.  Ben got plenty of ball play in.
It was a pleasant day.


May Odds and Ends

Here is a corsage/boutonniere set that I made with calla lilies that I rather liked...
I think it was for Senior Ball...

...which they held the same weekend as Mother's Day!
Flowers with Laura were crazy for a few days there!!!
One man ordered a gardenia corsage for his wife.  Laura had never dealt with gardenias so she had me experiment and make a few...

They sure were smelly :)

If you look closely, these two pictures are different...he's smiling in the second one :)

This was the first Sunday we were back at my parents house for dinner since COVID.  It had been about 14 months since we had had the privilege.

Josh trying to get Matt to cooperate for the picture...

this is from a Sunday a couple of weeks later...

I had to include this picture...
When Josh was born Grandpa O. gave this Christmas cactus to me.  He said it was a manly plant :)
I have kept it alive all these years but I don't know that it's bloomed since Josh was born.  A friend (Connie Smith) initiated a playful contest to see who could get their cactus to bloom first.  She had me move it to a different window and it must have done the trick!  Hers had bloomed sooner than mine but I felt like it was a win for me just to get it to bloom period!
I thought it very fitting that it should bloom for Josh's big month of his 18th b-day and graduation :)

The kids' piano teacher had a birthday and I thought it a good excuse to practice some more cookies...

Also, I made some for Ben's bus driver/aides...

...and teachers
This batch didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped but they worked well enough.

 The last day of school for Ben I got a text from a friend wondering if I had known about the 6th grade graduation walk.  I had not :(
I was so sad I had missed it but a sweet woman that I don't even know sent me some pictures she took of Ben and his wonderful aide Denise.  I was so grateful to her!

All Things Graduation

Seminary graduation...
Josh, Maleia, Hailey, Missy, Eli, Bishop Giles

A few days before commencement, they announced that each student could have two guests join them.  All along, we had been told that because of COVID it would just be the graduates that would be able to attend.  I was super happy about the change!

Josh played in the orchestra that night....

They played Pomp and Circumstance as the graduates walked in and took their seats.
Whoever planned the seating for the evening grossly underestimated how many graduates there were.  The last of the open seats filled up and there were still loads of graduates needing to sit down.  So, the guests all tried to crowd together and make room :)

The choir and the orchestra did a number together...Duel of the Fates

The turning of the tassels...

Singing the school song...

Part of me was sad that he didn't get to walk in and out with the rest of his class but I'm always happy when he gets to participate in the orchestra.

Bless his heart, he was willing to bring in the garbage after we got back :)

The next evening he had his "personal Graduation moment"

Mom and Dad were able to come support him...

They had them line up and walk up to the podium one by one for a quick picture or two...

...and then off they went...

...through the balloon arch... greet the mascot if they so desired...

...and then pick up their diploma at the concessions building :)

Getting pictures taken at the "R" seemed to be the thing to do...

Dad had to go to a practice but Mom was able to join us for dinner at Hu Hot.
Afterward, we dropped Abby off at the school since she had driven there separately.  I saw that the "R" was lit up and coerced Josh into getting a few more pics since the line was super short by that time.

The ward planned a Senior Parade for the graduates.
They did one the year before during COVID and I think it was received well then.
We weren't sure how well supported it would be this year but we prepped nonetheless.
We asked Grandpa Gregg if he would be able to transport Josh in his truck.  He got excited about the idea and purchased the gold, blow up chair for Josh to sit in.  He and I worked together on decorations.

I think there were eight seniors and four of them participated in the parade.  We didn't see many people out cheering on our street...but that's okay.

We had lots of support in our driveway :)

 It was a fun, full graduation week!
We are so proud of Josh and making it to this point.
He's such a wonderful young man and I can't wait to see what his future holds!