
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Andy's Birthday and Memorial Day

Poor Andy, he was sick leading up to his birthday so we weren't able to do his birthday dinner as a family Saturday night (his birthday was on a Sunday this year).  We also didn't gather with my family for dinner on his day.  He was just barely on the mend and starting to feel improvement.

I finally talked him into ordering an e-bike that he's been pining for for a few years now.  There's a whole story to that and how long it is taking to arrive and such but in the mean time, he also asked for a new briefcase/backpack.

It will be perfect for when his e-bike comes and he is able to ride it to work.

We were able to go on a birthday walk that evening.

Love this guy of mine! 
 He's such a great man and is super supportive and patient.
I felt bad that his birthday was less than perfect...which has often ended up being the case of late, but one of these years, it will go well :)

Josh and Matt joined me in Avon and Paradise for grave visits on Memorial Day morning...

Then Matt went with Jo and T to the park with the rest of the extended fam while Josh and I went up to  Logan cemetery and visited the Olsen graves.

Just one picture at the park but Andy was feeling well enough by now to bring the rest of the kids and join us for lunch.  Ben got plenty of ball play in.
It was a pleasant day.


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