
Saturday, July 2, 2022

February Odds and Ends

Ben was pretty cuddly one night during scripture study....

Abby asked Landon Malan to girls choice...
She delivered a pizza and the inside of the box said
"Will you go to Spring Fling with me?  If yes, eat the pizza and return the box.  If no, eat the box and return the pizza!"  Haha!  So he returned the box this way...

I was invited to attend a piano duet concert by Lorna Oborn (her husband is the first counselor in the Stk Pres. with Andy).  She and her twin sister put on a fun show for their birthday.
It made me miss playing duets with Angie and got me thinking that maybe I could find another duet partner close by.  As soon as I left and got in the car I Marco Polo'd Savanah Bassett and asked if she would want to be my duet buddy!  She responded and was very excited!
We've gotten together several times since then to practice and even played in sacrament meeting recently.

A boy and his rabbit...

Thad has been a joy...even though he does stink up the basement :)


1 comment:

  1. Sweet pictures of Andy and Ben.
    Very clever ask and reply for the dance. :)
    Next time you play with your duet buddy, I hope we hear about it BEFORE it happens. Got it?
    Great shot of Matt and Thad.
