Back towards the end of June we were giving Ben a bath and noticed this crazy bruise...
We realized a recent fall must have caused it but didn't give it too much thought after that.
Fast forward to August and Ben has a seizure and falls to the ground as I'm watching him.
After the seizure I kept him in the same spot until he came around. At that point I moved him to the couch. When I picked him up under his arms I felt and heard a crunch! He grimaced and looked at me with pain filled eyes. The next day or so I could tell he was really babying that side. He never cried but I could tell he was still in pain. I think it took me one more day to decide to have him seen so we took him to his pediatrician. Sure enough...look at that break!
Poor little guy!
They put it in a sling and had us set up an appointment with an orthopedic specialist.
As you can imagine, that sling didn't stay on very well :)
Also, at this point, he was pretty much using that arm like nothing had happened!
He has such amazing teachers who wanted to come see him since he couldn't come to school with the break...
He was super excited when they came and had to show them all the things :)
Pam, Maddi and Kayla...
After another day or so this bruise showed up...I think that's when it clicked that we had seen it before.
It was about 5 days after the seizure that we were able to get into the Dr.
We ended up going to a Dr Finlayson At McKay Dee. He was the former partner of my good friend, Karen Clegg's, husband. They sent him a personal message to try and see us as soon as possible. I think it was 5 or 6 days before they could get us in.
When we went down we ended up seeing him for only about 60 seconds. The bulk of our time was with his PA.
Basically, the news was, it wasn't a fresh break. He could tell by the rounded edges of the bone and a bit of new growth that had already occurred. We told him it made sense and about the bruising in June. This must have just been a re-injury. To me that meant that him staying home from school all those days and me missing my girls' trip to St George that week and also missing Swiss Days with the Bryan ladies was all for naught. Not that I wasn't willing to be with him but had we known it was an old injury he could have gone to school and I could have carried on with my plans. Oh well, maybe those things weren't meant to be for me. Also, a few days before our appointment in Ogden he had been lining up his cars on the stairs and I heard a small tumble. It seemed like he had fallen just a couple of stairs but he was a bit sad. We noticed that night that he was favoring his left hand...wasn't using it for much.
Anyway, we had that x-rayed while we were in Ogden as well and low and behold, it had a green willow break :( Our poor guy!
They put that in a splint and we were on our way with a follow up in 5 weeks.

Just a couple of weeks later Ben came to me one evening super sad. I held him and tried to figure out what was wrong. Matt pointed out that his toe was really red. Sure enough, as I was probing a bit he flinched heavily when I touched his foot. The next day he wouldn't put weight on it. He was walking around on his knees for the most part. After he finally started standing and walking he was limping. That was a Sunday so we asked our podiatrist friend if he wouldn't mind coming over and taking a look at it.
He suggested we definitely get an x-ray the next day.
I was convinced it was broken.
Greg was at his Brigham City office that day so Ben and I took a drive and found out it was just a bruised bone. Good deal, we could handle that :)
What a journey Ben has been on this year with all of his injuries and seizure issues. Bless his precious heart--and yours!