
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

September Odds and Ends

This was actually at the end of August but I didn't have an Odds and Ends post in August so I'm sticking it here.
This was the day before classes started up on campus.
Elder and Sister Gong came to the Institute and spoke at the Spectrum.
We met in Andy's office when they arrived and Andy was so pleased that Elder Gong flicked his gong that was sitting on his desk :)  We walked around campus a little bit and it was so neat to see him going up to all the students that were within a reasonable distance and shaking hands and asking names and taking pictures if they wanted.
Andy and I were then able to have a meal with him along with the LDSSA leaders.
We had a meet and greet with all of the Stake Presidents and wives of the YSA wards as well as some other prominent leaders before the devotional.
I sat next to President Cockett during the devotional which was wonderful and then was amazed as Elder Gong patiently and individually greeted the long line of students that came to speak with him afterwards.
It was a really special experience.

The kids had a poker night with the Nibley City Youth Council.
They went to D.I. and found some items to help their vibe :)

 I wish I would have taken some more pictures but I was able to sneak Andy away for an overnighter at a good friend's cabin up the canyon.
Family helped out with Ben and the other kids at home for us.
I felt bad that we hadn't done much to celebrate our 20th anniversary the month before.
I knew Andy wanted to do something bigger but I just didn't know how to swing it.  The day before our anniversary I was talking to my friend and she suggested we use her cabin.  It was so nice of her...I just had to find a weekend that we didn't have anything else going on.  It was exactly one month later that I was able to surprise him.
We went out to dinner and breakfast and enjoyed the cutest cabin.  They have worked so hard on it and it is just beautiful!
The only pictures I have are of us out on the swings in the morning before we went home.

It was good to get away even just for one night.
Andy really wants a cabin now :)

Again, I wish I had taken more pictures here but Andy and I were invited by his parents to a benefit dinner in Salt Lake for Cambodia.
The food was good...although I had a hard time passing up the cheesecake for dessert.
The children's choir, One Voice, performed and we really enjoyed that!
Andy is wearing funny alien heads because it was a space theme...they didn't stay on...he just likes to be silly :)

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