
Monday, February 27, 2023

Some Christmas Festivities

A bunch of us women from our old emotional resilience class got together for lunch in December.
I love these women!  They are amazing!
Debi, Katie, Stacey, Me, Jennie, Jamie and two of her cute kids :)
It always fills my bucket to be with them!

The stake presidency gathered at the Farnsworths for a Christmas celebration.
Each family was supposed to bring some entertainment.
Well, apparently, everyone thought more along the lines of spiritual enrichment except us.
We had beautiful music, testimonies, a spiritual story and then there was us..."who can build the fastest Christmas tree?"
We felt kind of silly but it ended up being rather entertaining :)

We got tickets to go to the Johnson Files Christmas show again.
It was great fun but we didn't end up sitting next to the Youngs like we did last year :(

Abby and Matt played Hyde and Tedescoe's Greensleeves for their recital. 
It was super fun having them do one together for once :)
They did great as always 👍


1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that you are still able to get together with your emotional resilience group. My group still gets together once a month, but there are only three of us.
    That looks like a fun activity for the stake presidency gathering.
    Abby and Matt did an excellent job. Really enjoyed it.
