
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

And so it Begins... season.

This means 3 or 4 days of the week either I need to have dinner ready in the afternoon, we eat cereal for dinner or pick up some food after the games/practices..  I want to get through this season with as little of the last as we can.
This year all three eligible children are playing.
They all had their first game on the same night...two at the same time.
I tried to get us off on the right foot by being ultra prepared for the evening.

Lately, one of my favorite meals has been baked tortellini or ravioli.  Andy likes the marinara sauce with beef filled ravioli and I prefer the cream sauce with cheese filled tortellini.  I added a bunch of sliced zucchini/yellow squash for good measure.

 I popped them in the fridge...

 ...and left a detailed schedule for Andy since we would be coming and going and not seeing each other much during the chaos.

Then I put out all their stuff so there would be no running around searching for anything. 

Things went quite well :)

Ben enjoyed jumping off and on this curb over and over.

Bless Dad's heart for entertaining Ben during the games much of the time.

So far, all of the games have been pretty cold and some have included moisture.  Hopefully next week we will enjoy warmer temperatures.


  1. This is intense! I don't know if I would have been organized enough to have 3 kids in soccer at the same time.
    Love the photos!

  2. Look at you all organized!! I love it when things come together and work out like that. So rewarding to me!
