
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What we were Wearing When...

...Matt had an alphabet parade at school and he was assigned the letter "L".
The kids were supposed to wear something that started with their letter.
I suggested leis but Matt gave a definite "no".  I thought of a bunch of other things...lemons/limes, licorice/lollipops (that got Matt's vote) but I finally decided that if I could find some plastic lizards I would stick them to the shirt and that would be that.  I was in luck!  The local craft store had some on sale!  I sewed them on with clear thread that night and Matt approved of it the next morning :)

...I tried out a Pinterest tutorial.
For a long time I have wanted one of those knee length, knit skirts that are so cute, casual and comfy.
I bought one a once but was unhappy with how it fit.  I kept it thinking I could redo it sometime...(like that would ever happen) I was excited to see some tutorials on Pinterest.  It's been on my to do list for months and I finally took the plunge.
I used this tutorial.
I really liked her simple.  
The only problem was that it didn't fit.  It was super small so either I cut the pattern out the wrong way or I'm a really big "medium".
At the end of the tutorial she gives instructions for making custom sizes.  I gave it another go and that one was perfect!
I'm so pleased with it and want to make more...I need to find some patterned knit fabric that I like.

 I will spare you the other 15 pictures of dorky poses and faces.
I had Andy take some shots for me and I learned that I am definitely not the modeling type :) was hat day at school.

I have no idea what Josh is trying to communicate in these pictures...
Notice that Abby is also sporting a black eye.  Ben hit her, close range, with a hefty board book.
That's her second black eye in two years from one of her brothers.
(Right before she started first grade, a big, hard, plastic lid to a Lego tub somehow left Matt's hands and landed on her eye :)  It was a beaut!)


  1. The lizard shirt is perfect for Matt. Is that how Abby got her pet?
    Skirt looks really nice, Aimee.
    Cute "hat day" photos. : )
