
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Other Happenings...

Lots of little odds and ends...

I told Andy the other day to remind me to buy an amaryllis every year at Christmas time.  I've always been fascinated by them but have never grown my own.  This was the year.
I loved watching it grow so quickly and then bloom.

Does everyone else have the Olympic bug?!!!
I wanted to be kind of festive so I printed some of the pictures of the events and cut out the olympic rings on chalkboard vinyl with my Silhouette.
Quite by accident, Josh and I found some international flags in town one day.  I told him to grab an American, Canadian (since I'm 1/4 Canadian) and a Russian flag but the Russian ones were all gone so he chose an Irish flag.  We are the Bryans you know :)

Now, when we open our T.V. cabinet to watch the Olympics, we've got a little party going on inside :)

Also, you may have noticed in the pictures above that I have a beautiful, Russian, Matryoshka doll.
My mom has collected these over the years and has an extensive accumulation :)
I don't quite remember how I scored this purple beauty but I love it!   

There are 10 little dolls...

...the smallest one, about the size of a pistachio nut.

I love the detail!
 It's fun to have a reason to pull her from her usual spot from a shelf downstairs and place her in an honored location for a couple of weeks.

A couple of weeks ago, our church leaders asked us to join with all the other LDS members in the valley and fast for moisture.  Apparently, we are dangerously low in the water department right now...or I should say WERE!
The week after our fast we received large amounts of snow.
Here in our little valley, we recognize the miracle we have witnessed :)

Last week, Matt lost one of his top, front teeth...

...and the next night he lost the other one!

Both were quite painful and dramatic events.

But all is well now, especially when you get to use Mom's phone and take a whole bunch of selfies :)!
{This one is my favorite!}
What a cutie bug :)


  1. Love your little dolls and wow! y'all got a lot of snow!

  2. The flower is gorgeous! Have you figured out what to do to keep it alive and bloom again?
    It is a very fun Olympic feel at your house! Maybe I should post about my dolls before the Olympics are over.
    Love Matt's "selfies"! That last one looks kind of like an Angry Bird! : )

  3. What a fun idea for hyping up the Olympicsa!! A
