
Monday, February 24, 2014

Valentine's Day Part 1

We had lots of Valentines around our house mid February :)
I usually just buy the cheap, little boxed ones from the grocery store but even though it was more expensive, I printed from Pinterest this year.  It made it a lot more personal and fun!

Josh did Valentines for his fellow orchestra peeps (more on that later)
The lighter red one says "You had me at Cello"...clever :)
Cello Link...and the Scale Link

Matt wanted to do an Olaf Valentine when I gave him the choice.
The Idea Room posted Olaf with a couple of different options for the wording.
This one says, "Oh, look at that...I've been impaled"

This one, though I used it last year for him, is just too perfect for Ben during his ketogenic years while popcorn is his only real treat :)

Abby loves anything fox.  She's liked foxes for quite a while...way before the song :)
There was no question about this being Abby's valentine!

This was the other option for Olaf.  I did these for some teachers.
The same link from above will lead you to this printable as well.

I really appreciate people who create wonderful things and then generously make them available for everyone else!  It makes things so easy.

Abby made her valentine box all by herself.
I love it!
I should have taken her picture Valentine's Day morning with her fox valentines and her fox box and her fox sweater.  She was very coordinated :)

The night of February 13th  Josh hurried and put a box together.
He wasn't going to be in class for the Valentine exchange so he didn't really need one but decided last minute that he wanted one. 

Andy brought me gerbs.  As I've mentioned in another post, he usually does orchids but decided to do something different this year.  He was also very sweet and gave a rose to Abby (above right).  I think she felt pretty special :)

This was not for Valentine's Day but it goes so well with this post...
Julie, from Me and My Stitches, sent this very thoughtful gift to let me know she was thinking of me and sending love my way.
She makes these beautiful, little paper pieced pendants.
Isn't it lovely?!  She is so talented!
Thank you again Julie :)
If you are a quilter or have friends that are quilters, one of these would be a perfect gift!

Hoping you all had a happy love day!


  1. What cute and clever Valentines. I love Olaf! : )
    When we Skyped Ang last night she was wearing her heart pendant. They are very special!
    Your bouquet was beautiful--and how sweet for Abby to get a rose.

  2. Love your valentines and your decorations! They are all adorable!

  3. What cute Valentine's cards! I bet they were all a hit. Glad you like your little heart pendant!
