Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tony Awards Night for Matt

Matt participated in the Tony Awards for all of his theater activity throughout the year. 

He was up on stage a few times that night and I can't remember all the reasons...this may have been when he was inducted into something or other 😂

A few numbers from the year were performed.
He got to do "Would You Like to Dance With Me" from It's a Wonderful Life.

I don't know if this is the picture from that moment...I kind of don't think it is...but "Rock Island", the opening scene for Music Man, won an award.

And then, I don't think I've mentioned it on the blog yet but he made theater presidency for next year so I believe all of these following pictures are of the old and new presidencies...

At some point, Improv performed as well...I'm not sure where my pictures of that went. :(

Afterward they gathered for group pics...
Both presidencies...

New Presidency only...

Hamming it up with Abs!

pic with Anna Lacey, Lia Hugie and Hope Spaulding

pic with Thane Watkins and Barek Davis

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