Saturday, August 3, 2024

June Cookies

My friend Trudy asked me to do some wedding shower cookies for her daughter.
It was a tea party.  That was about the only direction she gave me so I enjoyed having some creative license.

These were a little stressful but I enjoyed working on my tipless florals.

Then I had a baby shower order.
She not only gave me creative license, she had me choose the theme!
Haha!  She said it was kind of a last minute shower that her mother in law asked her to throw so she said she would just decorate to go along with whatever theme I chose :)
Baby in Bloom is a popular baby shower theme right now and I thought it would be an easy last minute theme for her to decorate for.

All boxed up and ready to go.

Last minute I decided I should probably do some cookies for my father in law's 80th celebration.
Well, he is a fisherman and a cowboy at heart so I took those two themes and came up with four designs.

I wish I would have had time to perfect these a little more.
Especially this one...the background layers needed to be more similar in consistency I think so they could meld together better and be smooth between colors.

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